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•Lydia's POV•
"Ahhhhh", I scream out loud. "I can't believe him, even after getting pregnant for him he still has the nerve to say he doesn't want me!"
"Lydia calm down ok we will figure this out," Micheal says trying to get me to stop pacing.
"No Micheal I can't calm down because that that bitch, even after killing that baby, still has his heart."
"Look ok we need to be careful, we are fucking lucky that he hasn't taken a paternity test. If he finds out it's not actually his then we are screwed."
"I can't believe that stupid doctor messed up. You're right ok, I get it. We need to find a way to make sure he never finds out." I say sitting down so I can cool off.
•Tom's POV•
Yep I definitely found some hidden meaning in that. She loved me but she can love someone else who won't put anyone else first.
"Here is your bottle miss, anything else I can get you right now? Appetizers, main corse, etc." she is being very thorough.
"Are you ready to order Lia?" I feel like maybe Stacy should've cooked instead. This feels so freaking awkward.
"I will take the baked salmon with a side of roasted potatoes. Thank you," she says handing her the menu.
"You know what, I'll take the same. Thank you and an appetizer of shrimp please." Handing her the menu I see Lia looking at me with a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Sorry just you haven't really ate salmon with me for years. You usually stick to the farm animals."
"Well maybe it's time to go back to what I love."
She looks away bitting her lip making me know that she got my meaning.
After making very small conversation we get the check which she stubbornly takes first.
"Have a good evening sir and ma'am we hope to see you back again." The new host in the front said as we walked out.
We got in the car and drove to our home.
"The guest bedroom is all made up along with the bathroom. If you need to use a car feel free to take one. This is your home so do anything you need or want." Ugh I hate that I ramble when I'm with her.
Lias POV•
"Thanks. There is something we need to talk about. You mentioned your terms but I didn't mention mine. Number 1. No Lydia. I don't want her in or near the house. You can meet somewhere else or call but I don't want to see her. Number 2. We drive to work separate. It's already going to be weird going back there so I don't need people talking. Number 3. Not just no sex I also don't want you kissing me. Those are my terms, if you can't agree then I will just leave." I say making sure I note to write these out.
"Deal, anything you want."
"Ok I will write these out and we will both sign."
We pull up in front of the house and get out of the car. Looking up at the giant place I am flooded with memories. Good and bad. I snap out of it and go get my few bags. Walking up the steps he unlocks the door and instantly I am on the ground.
"Tessa no. Come on get off of her. Bad girl, get inside." Tom is struggling to pull her off.
"Come on baby get off please. You weigh a ton. If you get off I'll give you a treat!" And she's off. I can always bribe this cute baby.
"Here let me help you," Tom says reaching his hand out.
I'll be honest and say I am tempted to slap it away but I need to try and be polite.
"Ok so the room right here is all set. It's late and we have work tomorrow but let me know if you need anything." As he's about to walk away I stop him.
"Wait. I don't have anything for tomorrow." I say remembering I got rid of those clothes. He smiles.
"I still have some of your uniforms so you can wear those. Goodnight."
As he walks away I go to put my bags on the bed. First things first is I need a shower. Grabbing a change of clothes and my lavender scented shower stuff I go in and get clean. After a shower I go out and start putting my stuff away. If I'm here for a month then I rather not live out of a suitcase. Feeling thirsty I walk out to the kitchen and grab some water.
"One month. I can do this."
After my little self talk I head back to the guest room. When I walk in I realize I'm not in the right one. Walking around I see a zoo mobile and wild flowers painted on the walls with trees so were it looks like a jungle. Then I freeze. My crib. Or at least one that looks like it. Walking up to it I feel the engraving that tells me it's not mine but an exact replica.
For my precious little beans. Your mommy and daddy love you. T.H + L.H.
Oh my god. But when did he... How did he... Then I see a rocking chair in the corner by the crib. Walking towards it I pick up the teddy bear with a number 1 in the middle and hold it to my chest. I can't stop the tears from falling. I sit in the chair and just rock the bear imagining what it would be like if my baby was still here.

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