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Toms Pov
I leave the company and take the quick drive over to Dr. Hoppers office.
This whole ride I try to wipe the smile from my face but I can't. She didn't push me away. I mean it was a simple kiss on the head but still. I won't mess this up.
Let's just hope luck stays on my side.

Knock Knock
"Come in Tom," Dr. Harper announces.
"Wow you are good."
She just gives me that women look. You know the one where one eyebrow is raised and she has a smirk and it just shouts "duh."
"So do you want the good news or bad news first?"
"Give it to me straight. Bad news."
"So your sperm was used that you had frozen." She tells me. I feel instantly deflated.
"It didn't work. Her body rejected your sperm and whoever she went to do it told her it had worked. This doctor told her that she needed to check everything out with a probe and ended up injecting another males sperm. This sperm did work." Wow
"That's insane. What happened to this doctor?" Better be locked up.
"Well after a tough investigation, we found out the doctor told Lydia what had happened thinking she'd still be happy since she's still pregnant, but Lydia was infuriated. She made a deal with the doctor, she will not report her as long as you never find out."
The lengths this psycho would go to get back in my life is ridiculous.
"Well we are going to report her right? She can't keep doing this to other people. Bloody hell, who's to say she hasn't already."
"Tom. I have already called the bobbies. They shall be on their way soon as well as the doctor who thinks she is coming in for an interview." She replies already having thought of everything.
"Thank you Dr. Harper. But wait. What about Lydia? She has to be at fault also right?" I ask concerned, hoping she'll be put in a psych ward.
"That's where things get tricky. She can easily play the victim. Technically she was wrongfully impregnated and can sue. It would mainly depend on any and all evidence we can get against her. But I think, and I am not trained so I could be wrong but, I think that lawsuit against you might also affect things."
Damn it. She's right. It would show violence on my side and the most they'll do is like a restraining order and that won't help.
"Ok, what time will this doctor be coming in?"
"She should be checking in right now."
Ring ring
"And there she is. Dr. Harpers office. Yes, you can send her in. Thank you."
"Want me to hide or leave or something?"
"If possible just walk into the bathroom right there. I will be having a tape recorder as well as my camera here to catch everything."
I walk into the bathroom just in time to here the knock on the door.
"Come on in Dr. Montgomery," I can barely hear through the door. I wish I could get closer.

Dr.Harpers POV
"Hello Dr. Harper, thank you for meeting me. You have no idea how much of an inspiration you are." Huh a kiss arse. What a shock.
"Why thank you, may I call you Tori?" I need to get as much info as I can.
"Why yes of course. Now I know you already have my resume but I really am a hard worker, I'm persistent, I am always on time, and I abide by all rules even if I don't agree with some." She says with a confident smile.
"Interesting. So I am going to give you hypothetical situations and I would like your answer. Sounds good?"
"Sounds fun, I'm ready."
"Ok number 1. If a patient came to you and wanted to freeze their eggs until they were ready for kids, what would you do?"
"Well I would explain the risks that are involved, like how sometimes there is an unlikely hood that those eggs will still be fertile in the future. But if even after explaining it she wants to continue then I have no problem with it."
"Ok next question, and this is off of a tv show, if you were to artificially inseminate the wrong woman with someone's sperm, what would you do?" Please let us get her.
"Well for one I would never accidentally do that. I pay extra close attention to what I am doing. But if I did then I would call the woman in right away and explain what happened, show here who the father was, and let them meet and talk. If they both decided what they want done then I'll follow and respect it. I would also be sure to let my boss know even if it cost me my job." Ok.... I don't know if that's enough yet.
"Well what if I told you that this wasn't a hypothetical question?"
"I'm confused Dr. Harper. Are you saying that this is something you have done?" Her eyes are moving everywhere. I can tell she's avoiding my eye contact.
"No Tori, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you did." I stand from my chair and start walking around the room.
"I don't...I don't know what you're talking about." There it is, the stutter.
"Well Tori, let me help you understand. A woman named Lydia came to you to unfreeze Tom Hollands sperm inside you, but her body rejected it. Instead of telling her you injected her with someone else's sperm and that time it worked. When you finally told her she struck a deal with you. Isn't that right?" I turn and face her seeing her go pale.
"I'll take that as a yes. Do you realize that you ruined a happy and perfect family?"
"I didn't mean to. I didn't want to lose my job and I didn't know what to do. Please please don't tell anyone. I'll never do it again just please." She begged, falling to her knees crying.
Don't get me wrong I'm not heartless, of course I feel sorry for her but my practice needs to come first.
"I'm sorry Tori, but you know what needs to happen." I hand her the phone.
"Call your boss, tell her the truth."
She grabs the phone with tears in her eyes. It rings.
"Hello, this is Tori Montgomery. I made a mistake."

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