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•Lia's POV•

It's time to clock out and Tom still isn't back. I really hope everything went ok but I also don't want to get my hopes up. I pack up my bag, wave bye to George and take the elevator down to the lobby.
Haz left after lunch. Something about a huge surprise for his future "wifey."
When I get to my car, I am stopped by someone clearing their throat.
"Hi Amelia, looking as beautiful as ever."
"What do you want Micheal? I have somewhere I need to be." I say turning around.
"Honestly I just wanted to check on you. I heard about Tom and Lydia, I can't believe they would do that to you. But. I also heard about the divorce. Are you ok?" Oh please like I believe that.
"Look Micheal, I don't need you to check on me. You filled a bloody law suit against my husband! That's what brought them together, and that's what leads to everything else. It's all your fault ok. Now leave me alone." I start to turn away but he stops me.
"Don't blame me because you can't keep your husband, or even your baby." I feel the menacing tone.
"What did you say? How did you even know about that?"
"Oh please. My sister is pregnant with your husbands child. I know a lot more than you think. Just stay out of our way. Do you understand me? I would hate it if you got hurt by getting involved." He turns and walks away with a smile on his face.
I know I should be scared but for some reason I know he can't hurt me worse then I've already been through.
I get into the car and head back home. Throughout the drive I go through any possibilities that maybe it's not his baby. Maybe she cheated or maybe she's faking it. Next thing I know, I am pulling up to the gate and then the driveway. Still his car is not in sight.
When I get inside Tessa runs up barking and jumping all over the place. When I go to pet her she bolts, running into Toms room. I follow her in case something is wrong, but really out of full curiosity. When I cross that threshold everything looks the same but also very different. His bed has moved as well as the organization of his closet changed. I walk in deeper to check the drawers and see that even all of the toys were removed. It's like he wanted to erase what we had. I hear the front door open and shut and when I go to the hallway I see Tom is back. I can't read his face that well but it looks like a mixture of shock and sadness but also a glimmer or hope in his eyes.
"Hey. How'd it go?" I ask trying to break him of his trance.
"What? Oh right. It went weird honestly."
"Why don't we go change and we can sit and talk?" I say hopeful it gives him time to process.
"Yeah let's do that."
We go to our separate rooms to change into something a lot comfier then our work clothes.
Once we are both done we meet in the living room siting on opposite sides of the couch.
"So I went in and......."
He explains everything that happened. The talk with Harper, finding the doctor who falsely inseminated her, even hiding in the bathroom while she turned herself in.
"Did the cops get her or what happened next?"
"I came out of the bathroom when she finished the phone call and instantly she kept apologizing. She said that even though her boss fired her, that she'll go to the cops and turn herself in."
Wow that's a lot.
"Will she lose her license?"
"Well I actually felt a bit bad for her. She will lose her license but I told her I will not be pressing charges as long as she agrees to help us if we need it."
"Help us with what exactly?" I say honestly feeling confused.
"I feel like even if I tell her that I know the truth she won't stop. So just in case she tries anything else, then we have people on our side."
I sit there just talking everything in. I'm shocked to the core. It's not his, it's really not his. I feel like I should be happy but I'm not. Tom now list two a that he was so excited for. I reach for hood hand.
"Are you ok? I can't imagine what you might be feeling right now."
"Honestly I don't know what I'm feeling right now. On one hand I won't be tied to her but on the other I was really looking forward to seeing my kid. Both of my kids actually." He says sadly, looking down at my stomach.
"Tom I want to apologize for hiding it from you. I just didn't want you to think it happened because you divorced me."
"But that's the thing, it was my fault. All that stress I put on you, not being there for you with Derek, everything. I wasn't that great at being a husband, or even being a father."
Tessa, who's sitting between us, puts her head on my lap.
"I can't just blame you Tom. Mom was running around with her boyfriend, Derek didn't get as long as I thought, Micheal with the law suit, Lydia coming into the picture. There was a lot more to it. Plus we knew that it was risky because of my fertility from the start," I reach across Tessa and grab his hand. "It is not your fault Tom. I mean it."
When I look up at him, I can see him staring intently at me. We don't even notice Tessa ran outside.
"Lia, tell me to stop. Tell me no and I'll go to bed right now."
He starts in closer to me. I know we can't or at least we shouldn't. But the closer he gets the less I care about what's right or wrong.
"Lia," he whispers, maybe an inch from my face. "The rules."
But honestly.....
"Fuck the rules," I say pulling him to my lips.

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