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•Tom's POV•

She's kissing me. She made the move and while sober. I know I am overthinking it right now but damn I have missed the feel of her lips.
"I don't want to push you in a direction you aren't ready for yet. So tonight I think it's best if you're in charge my love. Say the word, whenever you feel uncomfortable we will stop."
She's panting next to me, gripping my shirt.
"Ok Tom, but for right now just kiss me."
"As you wish darling."
I grab her hips and hoist her up on my lap, sitting her down perfectly. I can feel her moan against my lips when she feels my erection.
We sit here dry humping on the couch for what feels like hours and I know that she working herself up to a frenzy. She's panting and her trusts are growing out of control.
"Tom please. I need more." She starts for my pants but I don't want to hurt any progress.
I can not take advantage of her having sex on the brain, so I grab her wrists and move them to my chest.
"It's ok Lia. You're so close, just let yourself relax more."
I grip her ass and help her move. I don't care about me getting off. Just seeing her fall apart like this is enough for me. I feel the wetness soaking through and so I slow her to a stop. She calms down and buries her head in my neck.
"Are you ok Lia?"
"I feel embarrassed honestly. I just practically jumped you. Plus you didn't even finish, I'm so sorry."
"Hey," I lift her face from out of her hiding spot. "Want to go do something that we haven't done for a while?"
"Didn't we just do that?" She motions to the wet spot between us.
"Yes," I laugh, "but I meant something more relaxed. Come on, let go change into comfy and clean pajamas and meet in the theater room."
"Ok Tom, that sounds good. I'll meet you there."
We get up and I watch her walk to the room that's right near mine. She's so close but yet so far.
I quickly change and get the theater prepared for our movie night.

•Lias POV•
I can not believe I just did that. Not only did I kiss Tom but I dry humped in on the couch after talking about Lydia's baby not being his.
I finish changing but I kind of am debating whether to meet him or not. I am still to embarrassed that I did that less then a week of being here. My heart and head are fighting about going to the theater but in the end my heart wins. I walk to the theater and wait outside the door.
"Hey Lia, you ready?"
"Yeah but what exactly are we going to watch?"
"Well actually I grabbed all of the Grey's Anatomy seasons on disk and we are going to binge. Maybe go grab a doctorate afterwards."
Wow that was a terrible joke, but obviously I can't help but laugh anyways.
"Ok that sounds great. Any chance you have..." he cuts me off.
"Sour patch kids? Only in every single flavor. They are all lined up for you my love. One bag for every season but obviously repeats the flavor."
"Thank you Tom, this is amazing."
"Anything for you. Now what do you say? Is it a beautiful day to save lives?"
"Let's do it."
So we sit here, curled on the couch laughing at all the mistakes the interns make. After Burke becomes the in-term chief I knock out. I didn't wake back up until the episode wear it was "Pick me, Choose me, Love me."
I look over at Tom and catch him in tears watching me.
"I'm so sorry for not picking you over Lydia and the baby. I know why you hate me now and I don't know how you will ever forgive me."
He breaks down, holding me close in his arms.
"Tom, I love you with all my heart. I can never and will never hate you, it's impossible. You made a mistake but everyone does. It's called being human. But we are now trying to fix our mistakes in the past. That's what matters most right now." I kiss his forehead and we just hold each other until we fall deep asleep in the others arms.

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