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Lias POV•
It hurts but I had to.
When I walk back to my office I don't even make it. I am yanked by my arm into another room. I turn to deck whoever it was but stop when I feel them wrap their arms around me and feel the wetness on my shoulder.
"Please tell me you're back. Please Lia, I don't want to lose you again."
"I'm back for now." I say gently pushing him back to look at me. "I missed you too you big baby."
That comment made him laugh and hopefully got his spirits up.
"I'm sorry for leaving like that Haz. I just needed to leave."
"I understand. But Stassie is coming for lunch. You owe her wedding plans." He mentions jokingly.
"Oh god she's going to kill me. Seriously  I may not even make it to the wedding alive. Put my casket in the maid of honor spot."
I know. I'm dramatic.
"Nah girl you are my best man, well woman, you know what I mean."
"If you are trying to take my best friend away from me Harrison I swear it will be you in a casket," Stassie says walking in.
"Darling what are you doing here? It's not lunch yet."
"Mhm derailing I see. I'm here because I was bored and had a question about flowers, but I see my wedding planner is back and I didn't get a ring at all." She says giving me the eyebrow raise.
"I know Stassie and I am really sorry, here come back to my office I have time right now will Mr. Holland goes over my work." I tell her waving by to Haz. However what I don't see is the glance they share behind my back.
"George we will be in here for a couple hours going over wedding plans. Will you be sure to take my calls please?"
"Of course Amelia," he answers back.
When I close the door I instantly get a smack to my shoulder.
"What the bloody hell?! Stassie!" I whirled around.
"My what the hell? No you what the hell! You left. No call, no text, and no goodbye. Look I get it ok. You were scared and broken and you just did what's best for you but leaving like that? That doesn't just hurt you and Tom but everyone else around you. Did Haz or Tom tell you what happened when he found out you left? Let me rephrase, when Evangeline found out you left?"
"What are you talking about? Eva shouldn't have been told anything." I'm so confused on what she means.
"What I'm talking about is how Eva overheard Tom and Haz yelling at each other when we were watching her. She heard how you left and it's his fault. She ran out to the kitchen and was hitting his legs saying how you promised nothing would happen and that she hates Tom for what he did."
"Stassie I-"
"No." She cuts me off. "That little girls heart is broken. I get that it's not 100% your fault but it is partially. You could have said goodbye." She explains while her voice breaks a little.
I rush to hug her.
"I am so sorry Stassie. I didn't want any of this to happen."
We sit in my office, hugging, crying, and talking about what happened while I was gone. I told her about everything.
"Wow she remarried and didn't even invite you. That's kind of harsh babe. I understand you were going through stuff but you are always there for people no matter what."
"Yeah but what sucked was how he talked to me."
"Honestly just because he marries your mom does not give him any parental title to you."
"Thanks Stassie for being here. I know I'm venting. Let's change topics to wedding ok?" I ask wanting to lift my mood.
"Deal. So I have my dress style picked out but now I need to actually find it. I want to start there and then work to theme, people, place, then the little things like food flowers and blah blah blah."
"Ok so let's schedule a dress fitting at Browns Bride that little shop on Hinde street. They have the best reviews and dresses of all styles."
And this is how our hour and a half went. We booked the appointment at 4pm Friday and then just wrote a list of potential guests.
When 12 came around Haz came to get us for lunch but Tom had other ideas.

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