Painting (part 2)

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 When Sophie woke the next morning, she was grateful for one more day of the weekend to rest before school. She was torn between the idea of hailing all of her friends to come hang out, or just curling up outside with Wynn and Luna and taking a nap. When she came downstairs, Grady and Edaline were sitting at the table. As Sophie joined them, Edaline snapped her fingers and a bowl of purple goop appeared in front of her. She immediately began to eat, barely even surprised to find that it tasted like a bacon omelette.

"What's your plan for today, kiddo?" Grady asked.

"I don't know. A whole lot of nothing, I think. I'm pretty excited about it," Sophie said between mouthfuls. "Though I'm not sure I know how to function anymore if I'm not busy or fighting someone."

"Doing nothing for once sounds like it's just what you need, then," Edaline agreed.

"But...after you help us in the pastures, right?" Grady asked, in a voice that clearly wasn't really asking. "I won't make you do any of the gross chores today, I promise," he added with a smile.

Edaline laughed. "Only because you seem to love saving those for Keefe now that he's practically living on the grounds," she teased.

Grady pretended to be offended at the suggestion. "I'll have you know, I'm not making That Boy do anything. He offers to help. But he's not here right now anyway. Actually Sophie, he did help me with a few things early this morning--and looked pretty tired, I wonder if its not very comfortable sleeping in the Grove--but he left a few minutes ago. He wanted me to let you know he was going to go hang out with Fitz today."

Suddenly Sophie didn't feel so hungry anymore. She knew they had been meaning to talk, but hadn't had a chance yet. Fitz had been cordial towards them anytime they were all together, but she could tell it was hard on him. The anxiety she felt at wondering what her relationship with Keefe was doing to his friendship with Fitz made her feel slightly queasy.

Her parents were eyeing her closely. "Something wrong, Sophie?" Edaline asked gently. "You do know that Keefe told us you two are dating, so we can guess at what has you anxious right now."

"Yeah, Keefe mentioned he told you," Sophie mumbled. She had not admitted to anyone that she'd overhead Keefe's conversation with Grady. "I's all so complicated. I think Fitz and I are okay, we seem to have salvaged our cognate relationship, and I hope we can stay good friends too. But he and Keefe have been best friends since long before I came. I hate the thought that I'm the one messing that up."

"Don't worry too much, Sophie. It's the fact that they've been so close for so long that will help them get past this. It's not the first time two friends have liked the same girl." Grady was clearly making an effort to pretend it wasn't agony to discuss his daughter's dating life. "But maybe hail Biana and ask her to listen for shouting, just to be safe," he added with a hint of a laugh.

Edaline smacked Grady on the arm. "Don't tease the poor girl!" She exclaimed with an eye roll. "It'll be fine, Sophie. You'll see. Fitz is a good kid. He won't push Keefe out of his life because of this."

So Sophie tried to push her concerns out of her mind as she went out to help wrangle, bathe, and feed the menagerie of creatures in the pastures. After all, Edaline was right. Fitz may have a bit of a temper sometimes, but he was still one of the best people Sophie knew. He wouldn't lash out at Keefe.

But she still wished the time would pass quickly so she could hear it straight from Keefe's mouth.

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