The Proposal

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Midterms were over—and everyone had passed.

Sophie even passed her polyglot sessions, earning a big "I told you so" from Keefe.

They were having a big party that evening at Everglen.

"I wish someone had warned me that we don't have the big, raucous celebration in the towers like they do for the younger levels," Dex said while they sat in armchairs in the Silver tower. "No bubbles floating around full of treats. No noise and shouting and partying."

"I can make plenty of noise if you want," Keefe offered. "I can even sneak into the main building and steal us plenty of treats."

"Something tells me that would not be a good idea," Tam warned.

"See, that's the difference between you and me," Keefe said. "I'm fun."

Tam just rolled his eyes. "Rayni thinks I'm fun," he pointed out.

"Anyway," Biana said, before an argument could start. "We exchanged gifts, isn't that enough?"

"I guess," Keefe said with a slight pout. " will be if Foster shows everyone what I got her."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I don't think—"

"Aw, come on, how bad could it be?" Linh asked.

"Um...this is Keefe we're taking about," Fitz reminded her.

"True," she said, laughing. "But show us anyway. Sophie!"

"How much do you want to bet it's going to be completely inappropriate?" Dex asked.

Keefe just winked at him.

Sophie heaved a resigned sigh and reached down to grab the box Keefe's gift came in. "You guys asked for it," she warned them. Then she pulled out a very fitted, rather revealing red tunic that said "EMPATHS MAKE THE BEST LOVERS" on it.

"Oh wow, it's even worse than I thought it would be," Fitz said, laughing and burying his face in his hands. "Sophie, I don't know how you put up with him."

Sophie couldn't help but smile as she looked at Keefe. "He's worth all the crazy, I promise. Besides, you've put up with him for far longer than I have."

"I guess that's true. He's lucky to have us."

"You know you love me," Keefe said, looking supremely unconcerned.

"Well I'd like to go home and drop off these gifts," Sophie said, standing and reaching for Keefe's hand. "We'll see you all at Everglen in a bit."

When they arrived at Everglen that evening, Alden and Della ushered them in with warm smiles and congratulations.

"Keefe, how does it feel to know you're almost done with your education?" Alden asked.

"Really, really good. It's hard work, ditching class."

"Some things never change," Della said, wrapping him in a hug.

Before long, all of their friends had gathered. Grady, Edaline, Juline and Kesler were there as well.

When are you proposing? Sophie asked Dex during dinner.

He looked at her. Keefe didn't tell you?

No, I know Fitz told him but he's been refusing to give me details.

Dex looked away, probably trying to mask the fact that they were talking telepathically, but he smiled slightly as he responded maybe I should make you wait too, then.

Hey now, you should share these things with your best friend.

Well, apparently Wylie has been learning to put on a good light show. He may not be at the level of Orem Vacker, but it's still something to see. Fitz has convinced him to come tonight, just to "show us what he's learned". I'll propose to Biana right at the end of that.

In front of all of us? We get to see it?

Yes. You think she'll like that, right? Biana has always been one to appreciate big, grand gestures.

And big, flashy, fancy events. You're completely right.

Just then, Keefe leaned in and whispered in Sophie's ear. "I'm on to you."

Sophie just smiled sweetly at him. "I'll make it up to you later," she promised.

Keefe smirked. "Good."

Wylie's light show was incredible. And it made Sophie's heart swell to watch him and know everything he'd had to overcome through the years. And how he'd even managed to forgive Sophie and become friends with her despite all the trouble her existence had caused his family.

But the best part of the evening was when Wylie finished the show and Dex stood up, pulling Biana with him, and stood in front of all of their friends.

Dex was not usually one to stand before crowds or make speeches. He definitely looked a little nervous, but at the same time, so certain and strong and happy.

And it brought Sophie so much joy to watch him get down on one knee and ask Biana to become a Dizznee. To see Biana, tears in her eyes, squealing and saying "yes, yes, yes!"

And then, of course, Sophie, Linh, Marella and Maruca all insisted on getting a good look at the ring. Sophie had a feeling Rayni wanted to get a look too, but didn't want to look too giggly, so she hung back.

Biana was completely on board with getting married after finals. They even asked Juline and Kesler if they could have the wedding at Rimeshire. Biana had fallen in love with the property when they'd first visited.

"And the triplets are finally getting old enough to know how to behave," Dex added with a wink.

Before Sophie and Keefe could leap home, Biana pulled her aside. "I'd like you to be my matron of honor when we get married," she told her. "And Dex will ask Rex. He almost asked Fitz, feeling it might be weird to choose one brother over the other, but now that Rex's window to manifest is closing and the world will know he's a so-called 'Talentless', he really needs our support."

"I think that's amazing. I love how thoughtful you both are. Just think--when I met Dex he hated your whole family just because you were Vackers. And now he's choosing to marry into the family. He fell in love with you, and Fitz became one of his best friends. I think it's incredible! And yes...I'd love to be your matron of honor!"

Biana squealed again and hugged Sophie tight. "Ooh, let's start planning the wedding while we're on break! We need to decide on colors and pick out our dresses and...oh!" She looked thoughtful for a second. "One thing that'll affect what kind of dress we pick out for you—you don't think you'll be pregnant yet when we get married, do you?"

The question caught Sophie off guard. They'd only been married a few months, though they had openly talked about having children on many occasions. But she quickly laughed and said, "no, we don't know for sure when we'll have a baby, but we do at least want me to have finished my final year at Foxfire before the baby is born, so I definitely won't be pregnant yet."

But the topic was gnawing at the back of Sophie's mind as they said their goodbyes and leapt home.

They had discussed it at length while they were dating, but insecurity was rearing its ugly head tonight.

"What's causing all the Foster Feels all of a sudden?" Keefe asked as they headed up to their bedroom. "You've been happy all evening, then two minutes talking to Biana and you're worried and anxious."

Sophie shrugged. "Biana asked me if there was any chance I'd be pregnant at their wedding."

"But we're waiting until you're done with school, right?"

"Yeah, that's the plan." Sophie could barely keep her voice steady, and reached up to pluck an itchy eyelash.

"Hey," Keefe said softly. "Just tell me what's wrong."

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