Making Changes

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"Linh!" Biana said as she welcomed her into her room in the Gold Tower. "You have to tell us what's going in with you and Fitz!"

"You really want to hear about me kissing your brother?"

"He kissed you?!"

Linh smiled, then looked suspiciously at Sophie. "You don't look surprised by that news."

Sophie smiled sheepishly. "We didn't mean to, but Keefe and I kind of saw." She looked over at Biana. "You guys were all still watching the movie. We just happened to see when we went to go get drinks."

Linh smiled, reminiscing. "I've liked him for ages, you know."

"Why didn't you tell him?" Sophie asked. "He's liked you for a while too, though he didn't seem to want to admit it to himself. He was so intent on just focusing on his studies that he tried to pretend he didn't want to be with you. Also, I think he's terrified of the combined fury of Tam and Wylie."

Biana giggled at that.

"I already told Tam, and he was pretty protective. He knows I haven't registered for the match and he remembers--we both do--what the match did to your relationship with Fitz."

"To be fair to Fitz, he was starting to come to terms with that. He even asked if we could get back together, but by that point I was starting to realize Keefe was who I really wanted. But if I had wanted to be with Fitz, I think the match would not have kept us apart in the end. So I don't think you should be worried about that."

"I know. And Fitz told me the same thing. He was really sweet actually. And..." she got a dreamy look in her eyes. "Kissing Fitz was"

Sophie and Biana shared a knowing look. They, too, knew how it felt to share that first kiss with the boy they were crazy for.

"And then he came over yesterday and we talked some more, we even talked about the match issue, and about Tam learning to be okay with me having a love life, and..."

"And did some more kissing?" Sophie asked with a giggle.

"Well...yes," Linh said with a blush. "But I'll spare you those details."

"I appreciate that," Biana said. "I love you, but I don't need details on kissing my brother."

"So, Sophie," Linh asked. "Is the Council going to get to see Kenric today?"

"Yes, that's probably happening right now, actually. I hailed Oralie this morning and asked her to let me know when they've done that because I want an audience with the full Council while they're convened."

"You do?" both girls asked.

Sophie nodded. "I want to ask them to make some pretty major changes. I want them to change the rule about Councillors having families."

Biana and Linh both looked at her, dumbfounded.

"Good luck with that," Biana said.

"I know, it's a long shot. But I hate the idea of Oralie losing her position just because she's in love. And if there were ever another vacancy, I'd love to see Kenric back in his old position too."

"I can see why having a family would be an asset to serving as a Councillor, instead of a hindrance like they seem to think it is," Linh said thoughtfully. "But also...having to leave the Council to have a family is a good way to shake things up and bring in new people. That way people don't just stay there for millennia and get power-hungry."

"That's true," Sophie conceded.

"Yes, but Councillors can vote others out if they have to," Biana told them. "It's really rare, I doubt it has happened more than once or twice ever, but it is in their rules. A majority vote can remove one of them from office."

"That's good to know."

The girls spent the rest of the morning talking about their Elite sessions, about Fitz, Dex and Keefe, and about the big news their whole world was about to receive.

When Sophie's Imparter rang with a call from Oralie, she knew it was time to go. Oralie told her that the Council was in a huge state of shock, but they were also all very pleased to have Kenric back, and they had agreed to meet with Sophie.

"Where will you meet them?" Linh asked Sophie as she got up to leave.

"I'm going to Oralie's castle," she said. "She asked that they all come there, and didn't explain why until she showed them in and they saw Kenric." She pulled out a pathfinder and held it up to the light coming in through Biana's window.

"Good luck," Biana and Linh told her before she glittered away.

"I don't think I could have heard you correctly," Councillor Emery told her. "Did you really just tell us you want us to forego one of our most basic rules?"

"I just don't think it's worth it. You stay here in your castles, you don't forge relationships with the people—apart from some of you having some friends among your emissaries—and you think that keeps you objective. I understand that having a family means having people you value and want to protect even more than other people, but avoiding it also keeps you from really knowing your people. If you were allowed to have families, then you'd have a personal interest in what's happening. In the goings-on in Mysterium or Atlantis or the Sanctuary or wherever your spouse worked. In Foxfire where your children attend school. In the way the Match both positively and negatively affects people. In how the Talentless are treated, if any of your children wound up not manifesting an ability. The married Councillors would offer a different perspective."

Sophie paused and looked at each of them in turn. Her eyes focused on Bronte. "I know of only one of you—two, if you count Kenric while he was serving on the Council—who at least has been known to regularly go to Mysterium just to spend some time around the working-class people. But what about the rest of you? And frankly...those of you who have shown more of a tendency to get to know your people have been the ones who have had a better history of making wise decisions."

"If you think you're going to stand here and insult—" Alina began.

"Let her finish," Terik said sharply.

"I mean no disrespect," Sophie told them. "But I think you would all admit that you've made some questionable decisions the last few years—and those of you who have forged friendships outside of the Council have been the voices of reason in those times."

Sophie noticed that both Bronte and Terik were nodding. Oralie was smiling at her, but also had grateful tears silently streaking down her face. So did Kenric, who Sophie had insisted be allowed to stay in the room during this meeting—partly because she wanted him there and partly because she knew Oralie wouldn't want to let him out of her sight if she didn't have to.

Even Councillors Darek and Emery looked intrigued by Sophie's appeal.

Emery closed his eyes and began rubbing his temples. Sophie felt certain there was a silent argument going on. Judging by the ornery grin on Kenric's face, he was trying to weigh in despite not being on the Council anymore.

After a moment, Emery opened his eyes and looked at Sophie. "This is a huge thing you are asking of us. I cannot guarantee we will vote in your favor, but I will tell you this: we have agreed to consider and discuss it before making a decision. And while you are here, let me also assure you that you, Mr. Sencen and Mr. Vacker have nothing but our deepest thanks for finding Kenric and bringing him home to us. We fully understand why you initially withheld the information."

"Thank you for that," Sophie said with a smile. "I'll let you get back to your busy schedules." She turned to see herself out.

"Just a moment, Ora," she heard Kenric whisper. He followed Sophie to the front door. "Well done," he told her quietly. "I'm proud of the person you've become."

Sophie's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you," she whispered before giving him a hug. Then she stepped outside and raised her home crystal, eager to spend what was left of her day with Keefe.

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