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Sophie could not possibly have heard Tiergan correctly.

The Council wouldn't ask that of them.

They wouldn't ask it in the first place, not of anyone, not now. If they'd wanted to do that they'd have done it after Gisela's arrest.

Fitz was clearly thinking the same thing. "I'm so sorry, I think I misheard you. Can you repeat that?"

Tiergan smiled sadly at them. "You didn't mishear me. That's the meeting I just left. The Council decided with an overwhelming majority that it should be performed by the two of you."

Sophie looked over at Fitz, numb with shock. That shock was mirrored in Fitz's face.

He stared hard at Sophie for a moment, reading her face, before turning back to Tiergan. "No."


"No. I don't see how they even think it's okay to ask Sophie to do that. Gisela is, for all intents and purposes, her mother-in-law. What will it do to Keefe? How will he feel about his wife being the one to do something like that?"

Sophie's thankfulness for Fitz in that moment could hardly be contained. She reached out and squeezed his hand briefly before raising her eyes to Tiergan. "His wife, and his best friend? We are the ones chosen for this job? Please tell me you told the Council, like Fitz just said, no."

"I tried. I argued the very case you are arguing now. It's deeply unfair that they would ask you two, of all people, to perform this task on this person. But the Council insisted. Even as young as you are, no Cognate pair has the strength of connection that the two of you already have. And they don't want to take any risks. The two of you stand the best chance of retrieving the most information possible before she breaks."

"But..." Fitz looked at Sophie. "But why now? If they wanted this done, why did they wait so long? It's been almost two years since she was captured."

Tiergan sank into his chair. "They don't make these decisions lightly," he told them in a quiet voice. "You know there are still a couple of minor Neverseen members at large. They likely aren't a threat on their own—all the key players were already rounded up—but the Council has deliberated and decided they need to be absolutely sure we've gotten all the information we need. No one is willing to risk having someone enter Fintan's mind again. And we know Gisela had a lot of plans, some of which probably never saw the light of day."

Sophie looked at Fitz. It didn't take a transmission for her to clearly communicate the help!!!  that everything in her was screaming.

Fitz leaned in and looked at Tiergan intently. "Can't the Collective do something? The Council sometimes listens to Mr. Forkle."

"The Collective has already consulted with the Council," Magnate Leto's voice came from behind them. He had just entered the room and was walking towards them. "I'm very sorry, but the Council is adamant. And..." he waited until he had Sophie's eye contact. "After a lot of discussion, we do have to admit that they make sense this time."

Sophie looked at Leto in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. I did try to get you out of it. But don't you think, if this has to happen either way, it would be better if it was the two people Mr. Sencen trusts the most?"

Sophie, listen, Fitz transmitted. We don't have to do this. I swear, if you want, we will say no even if it means banishment. It's not like we haven't walked this road before. He smiled. It may be a bit weird being a third wheel to you and Keefe, but it's worth it if that's what we need to do.

Sophie smiled at him. I'm so thankful for you, Fitz. I think we need to talk to Keefe about this. It's his mom. He may try, at first, to pretend he doesn't care, but I know he'll have an opinion. If he wants us to say no, we'll say no and face the consequences together, the three of us.

That makes sense. Do you want to tell him, or should I? Or should we tell him together?

Sophie blanched at the thought of having to tell Keefe this news. I don't know. Am I a coward for not wanting to tell him?

You could never be called a coward. This is just an awful situation. Why don't we tell him together? I mean...we can both be there, but I can actually be the one to tell him, if you want.

Sophie nodded. Keeping their minds connected, she turned to Tiergan. "When do they want us to do this? We need to talk to Keefe. I won't agree to anything before then."

Tiergan nodded. "I anticipated that. I told the Council that you needed a day or two to break the news to Keefe and to prepare. This takes precedence over your studies, so you can figure things out without distraction. But bear in mind the longer you take, the harder it'll be to catch up on your studies."

Magnate Leto informed them that sessions were, thankfully, ended for the day. They stood up to leave the room and headed back out of the tower.

Unwilling that anyone should overhear what they assumed was highly classified information, they continued their discussion telepathically.

I'm so sorry, Sophie. I tried to get you out of it. To get us out of it. Fitz gave Sophie a quick hug.

Sophie gave him a shaky smile as she pulled away. I don't understand why we have to do this. It still doesn't make sense. Do they think the last couple of Neverseen members are out there, gathering strength and trying to garner support?

I imagine that's exactly what they think--or what they fear. I just don't get why it took them so long to decide to do something about it.

Keefe was waiting for them outside the towers. Sophie closed her connection with Fitz as they approached him. His warm smile quickly faded into a look of deep concern as Sophie's emotions hit him. He looked at Fitz, who reached out and put a hand on Keefe's shoulder--the brief contact proving that Fitz's emotions lined up with Sophie's. "What's wrong?" Keefe whispered. "I haven't felt fear and dread like that in a long time."

Sophie reached for Keefe's hand. "Let's go home. Fitz and I need to fill you in on an assignment we just got from the Council."

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