Last Final

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The next few months crept by, and as they did so, Sophie's belly steadily grew. As her graduation from Foxfire approached, she was very noticeably pregnant.

She had decided that nothing was more amazing than feeling baby Emma's tiny little movements--sweet evidence of the vibrant life, the precious little person, growing inside of her.

The night before her very last day of finals, Sophie climbed into bed and began feeling lots of sweet baby kicks. But when she placed one hand over her growing belly, she realized Emma was kicking hard enough now that Sophie could feel it on her hand, too.

So she immediately reached for Keefe and pulled his hand around to place it firmly over her belly.

And Keefe let out a gasp.

"Is that her?!" He asked, his voice adorably squeaky with shock and excitement.

"That's her," Sophie whispered.

Keefe's lips brushed up against Sophie's cheek as he scooted closer. "That's amazing," he whispered back. "My daughter." Then he chuckled as she continued to kick. "Already as feisty as her mama."

"As if you aren't equally to blame for that," Sophie teased, turning to face him— which was getting harder as her belly grew.

Keefe smirked and moved his hand off her belly, trailing it slowly upwards until it came to rest on her cheek. "Who says I'm feisty? I'm nothing but a big sweet Hunkyhair who would never take advantage of the fact that his wife can't resist his incredible charms or good looks." His grin turned downright dangerous as he said in a low voice, "I would never dream of reminding you of the effect I have on you, because I'm sure you're very tired and just want to go to sleep." He leaned down closer to her, whispering "aren't I so nice?" right before their lips met.

Sophie's heart, predictably, changed rhythm. After a moment, she broke the kiss and looked up at him. "If that's not feisty," she whispered back, grinning, "then I don't know what is."

Keefe's only response was to kiss her again.

Sophie's very last final was Telepathy with Tiergan. Fitz was able to come, so Tiergan told them that she was obviously getting full marks and that they should use the time to discuss their plans for further Cognate exercises now that they wouldn't have biweekly training sessions built in to their schedule. "It's important to keep making time for working together and keeping the air clear--things can build up pretty quickly, especially since you have families and separate lives," he reminded them. "But I am always here to help when the two of you need advice--even if I won't be your Mentor any longer."

Fitz turned to look at Sophie. Big changes coming up for both of us. You ready for graduation?

Oh, absolutely. I'm looking forward to sleeping as much as I can before the baby is born.

Fitz grinned. I bet. What about your Regent duties? Will those pick up again? Or will you wait until after Emma gets a little bigger?

I think I'm just going to let the Council know that I'm available--particularly for any tasks that need our full Cognate power--but otherwise, I don't want to get too busy with work before she's born--and not too soon afterwards either.

I don't blame you. Biana is beside herself with excitement. Pretty sure Dex will have his hands full keeping her from spending every day at Aeternum, holding the baby, and trying to get Dex to hold the baby too.

Sophie grinned. He knew what he was getting into when he fell in love with her. And I don't think he's resisting her for long--he wants kids too badly.

I definitely get that, Fitz said with a faraway look in his eyes. Though Linh and I plan to wait a while before we start a family.

What about getting married? Do you think you know when that will happen?

Fitz bit his lip, looking nervous but excited. Actually...I'm proposing tonight.

Sophie's eyes widened. Really? Oh, yay!

I thought about proposing AT graduation, because I really do want her to know that this wedding will go through regardless of what our lists say. But I also thought she might like something more private a little better. Linh isn't as shy as she used to be but she's still more reserved and might not like a public proposal.

That's true. But then tomorrow, at graduation, she'll have a ring on her finger and people will see.

Exactly. No hiding. And...I'm going to tell her, again, that we don't have to pick up our lists if she doesn't want to.

She seemed pretty certain on wanting to at least try, though, Sophie said.

I know. And I think she means it—that it would be easier if we were a good match, but worth it even if we aren't. But...I just want to be absolutely sure she isn't only doing this to try to make things easier for me. She loves me. And that's all I need.

Aww. You guys are so cute.

Fitz rolled his eyes, but grinned at her. How are you feeling? I can't decide if I'll be more excited or terrified when Linh's pregnant.

A little bit of both. I think Keefe is too. I mean, I know he's excited, but I think he's worried too. I know he'll be a great father but I also know he underestimates himself a lot, and worries about being like his father. Which is ridiculous, obviously.

Keefe is nothing like Cassius.

Exactly. It was adorable the other day, when we went to go visit Oralie and Kenric and meet baby Elara. I mean...she was absolutely precious and holding her definitely made me more excited, but watching Keefe hold her—and then try to get her to call him Sir Sencen Awesomesauce—was so much fun.

I can't believe he makes his prodigies call him that, Fitz said, rolling his eyes again.

Can't you? This is Keefe we're talking about.

True. Fitz laughed. And with everything he's been through, I guess I'm grateful he's stayed himself.

"Given the general feeling of amusement and happiness I'm picking up, I'm guessing the great Fitzphie starefest is revolving around me right now?"

Sophie and Fitz both jumped and turned to see that Keefe had entered the room.

Fitz looked at Tiergan. "Is session already over?"

"Yes, which is the only reason why I allowed Keefe here to disrupt your conversation."

"And you were right, by the way," Sophie said as she stood up and took his hand. "We were talking about you."

"About how awesome I am?"

"Pretty much," Fitz said with a grin. "But don't let it go to your head."

Keefe smirked at him. "Good luck tonight," he told him. "Not that you need it."  Then he took Sophie by the hand and guided her towards the door. "Let's get you home, Foster."

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