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"Did Dex tell you what they decided?" Sophie asked Keefe as they wandered the Foxfire grounds one evening, hand in hand. End-of-year exams were still a few weeks away and they decided to take a full Saturday off from homework to celebrate one year of being together. Life was busy, so they were technically celebrating late, but that didn't matter.

"He came to me the other day and asked how I felt about knowing we'll be a bad match. I told him I couldn't care less. I assumed that meant they were leaning towards not registering, but I haven't heard for sure. Did they decide?"

Sophie nodded. "They told us at lunch. They've decided not to register."

Keefe whistled. "Big decision, especially for a Vacker. Have they told Alden and Della?"

"Not yet. I think they want to ask Fitz to be there too when they tell them. For moral support."

"That makes sense. Fitz registered, though he hasn't picked up his first list yet. But having him there showing his support would go a long way."

"Dex said he'd register if it would make things easier for Biana, but ultimately they decided that it was a waste of time. And they want that publicly known. It's one of the points they plan to bring up."

"They have points?"

"Yeah, they want her parents to know they didn't take it lightly."

"And one of their points is that it's a waste of time?" Keefe asked with raised eyebrows.

"Since they already know they want to get married eventually, yes. She said they acknowledge that the match can be helpful if you haven't found the right person, to help give you an idea of who might be a good fit for you."

"That's true. It's how Alden found Della. And they work great together."

Sophie thought of how Oralie and Kenric were each other's top match, but kept that to herself.

"So it's a waste of time since they've already found each other?"

"Exactly. And apart from making sure you don't accidentally marry family—which shouldn't be an issue considering we generally live forever and should be able to easily trace if someone is related to us—it's the only valid thing about matchmaking."

"That's true."

"So they plan to say that the matchmaking process isn't completely useless, but isn't always needed, and it shouldn't be treated by society as something necessary."

Keefe squeezed her hand. "And they won't be walking that road alone. We'll be a so-called bad match too."

"And we are already kind of well known in the Lost Cities. It'll really make a statement. And the best thing they can do for Rex right now is bring all of these injustices to light. Maybe eventually he won't have to face the same prejudices that Kesler always has."

Keefe smiled. "Dex is thoughtful that way. The Dizznees have not been well treated in our world."

"That's another thing Dex and Biana plan to tell her parents. They're obviously not engaged yet—"

"What do you mean 'obviously'?"

"Well, we're just wrapping up year 6, we hopefully still have two years of Elite levels before we're done with school. It's not like they could get married before then."

Sophie thought Keefe looked conflicted for a moment, but it quickly passed. "True," he conceded. "So what were you saying?"

"Well, they're not engaged yet, but they've made another pretty major decision. This one was completely Biana's suggestion, though when they told me, Dex was almost in tears he was so pleased." Sophie smiled, remembering. "Biana has decided that when they do get married one day, she wants to take his name."

Keefe's eyebrows shot up. "That is maybe even more of a bold move than not registering for the match."

"Yeah, she's pretty worried about telling them but she thinks it's the right thing. Everyone would expect him to take the Vacker name since it's such a prominent family. But she wants to show the world that things like that don't matter. That she can love her family and be close with them but not buy in to all the hype."

They found a little bench and sat down. Keefe let go of Sophie's hand to put his arm around her. "And in doing that she'll be telling the world that the Dizznees are just as valuable as the Vackers."

Sophie smiled. "Yes, exactly. She says she believes it's the right thing to do, but she's afraid Alden and Della will feel hurt."

Keefe shrugged. "I think they'll understand. They may be part of a prominent family that has always upheld tradition, but they personally have shown their willingness to shirk tradition when it was the right thing to do."

"That's true," Sophie mused. "Alden conducted a secret search for me for years. Della joined the Black Swan."

"They may be surprised at first, but they love their kids. They'll come around, and probably pretty quickly. Fitz told me they already consider Dex to be part of their family. It'll be okay."

Sophie sighed contentedly and rested her head on Keefe's shoulder. "Maybe we really can make the Lost Cities a better place."

Keefe kissed the top of her head. It was quiet for a minute or so, and then he asked softly, "what about you?"

"What do you mean?"

Keefe used the hand not wrapped around Sophie's shoulder to reach over and touch her promise ring. "Someday...I've always hoped I could leave the name Sencen behind. But I don't know what you think about it."

Sophie thought for a moment. "It's different in the human world. The girl takes the guy's name, or neither one changes their name. My mom took my dad's name. I couldn't picture ever getting married, not before I knew I was an elf. People...didn't like me."

Keefe squeezed her tightly and whispered "those days are over."

"I know. But even thinking about it now, it's hard to imagine you taking my name since the humans just don't tend to do it that way."

"So you'd rather change your name?"

Sophie groaned. "I don't know. It kind of feels like...the name Foster is all I have left of the parents who will never remember me. Can I give that up?"

Keefe looked thoughtful. "You could keep your name. We could be the Fosters. But if that didn't feel right to you, I don't think you have to feel like that removes you from your human parents. They're in your heart and in your memories whether they remember you or not. And you have Amy. And eventually her kids and grandkids. That family will continue on and they'll always be a part of you."

A single tear slid down Sophie's cheek. "Thank you for that," she whispered. Keefe wiped the tear away and kissed her softly. "Would you still call me Foster?" She asked with a grin.

"Oh, always. That's who you've always been."


"So then if you do decide to give up the name Foster...what would we do?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "I can think of a couple of options."

"What are they?"

"Well...if you changed your mind...I could take your name. I know you haven't ever wanted to keep your name, but you could try to redeem it. You would redeem it." She let that sink in for a moment. "Or, I guess if you didn't want to remain a Sencen, we could both change to a new name. I didn't change my last name when I came here, and Grady and Edaline didn't really expect me to. But we could, I guess. We could be the Ruewens."

Keefe nodded, thinking. "Well, you've given me a lot to think about."

"We don't have to decide anything now, though," Sophie pointed out. "We still have time."

"Time, yeah," Keefe said, distracted.

They sat quietly for a few minutes, deep in thought, before Keefe finally whispered "it's getting late."

Sophie sighed. "It's the worst part of the day, you know. Having to say goodnight."

"Trust me, I know." Keefe stood up, pulling Sophie up with him. He drew her in close and kissed her, deep and slow, before whispering "definitely the worst part of the day."

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