Promises (part 1)

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****Fast forward to the end of the school year****

Celebrations were in full swing at Foxfire as the prodigies were all gathered together eating prattles, exchanging pins, and enjoying the relief that came with the end of the school year. Most had already gathered their end-of-term gifts.

Sophie had managed to pass every class, despite the constant school interruptions taking place thanks to the Neverseen.

Magnate Leto was even in discussion with the council and her mentors about letting her skip a level due to all of the hands-on experience she had been getting. They were considering doing some version of placement tests to see where she was academically.

Fitz and Keefe were wrapping up their sixth
year, which meant that they would now be eligible for the Elite levels.

Keefe had finally decided to pursue those last two years of his education, and was currently deciding whether or not to move into one of the rooms in the tower.

"I mean, it has to be better than living in a tree, right?" Sophie asked when he told her he still wasn't sure what he wanted to do.

Keefe just laughed. "Yeah, but it's a really cool tree," he reminded her. "Plus..."

"Plus what?"

"Plus, I've gotten used to being close to you, and eating meals regularly with you, Grady and Edaline."

Sophie felt like smacking herself on the forehead. Of course that would be a lot for him to consider. He lived in the Grove, so more often than not, he was having breakfast and dinner with her family.

Family dinners wasn't something he grew up getting. When he became friends with Fitz, he spent as much time as possible at Everglen and only then did he experience normal things like family dinners or even familial affection.

"That is a lot to consider. I'm sure my parents--and the gnomes--would be happy to have you stay. And you know Edaline has mentioned before that you could move in to Jolie's room--"

"An idea that made Grady uncomfortable, if I recall," Keefe cut in. "Touching that they'd even consider it, but I don't think he liked the idea of us living in the same house. He seemed to think it might not be appropriate." Keefe raised one eyebrow and gave Sophie an adorable grin.

"Never mind the fact that between Sandor and Ro, there's no way we could get away with sneaking to each other's rooms even if we were trying to."

Keefe put his arm around her and began to lead her towards where their friends were gathered. "Yeah, but I don't blame him for looking out for his daughter."

"Just know that even if you moved into the tower, you could still come over for dinner whenever you wanted. Grady has gotten used to you by now, and Edaline loves you almost as much as I do."

"High praise on both counts," he whispered in her ear as they reached their friends.

Fitz and Sophie, able to hug and congratulate each other with no sadness or regret between them. He hadn't found anyone else yet, but his feelings for Sophie had dwindled back down to close friends. He was starting to see her as a sister, and he was like the brother she'd never had.

Sophie, only able to give Dex and Biana one-armed hugs because they couldn't seem to give up holding hands even for a moment.

Marella and Maruca excited to have passed and have a break from school ahead of them.

Jensi, thankful to have finally manifested as a Charger.

Linh hailing Wylie to tell him she passed her classes.

Tam, trying and failing to hide the fact that he was happy too.

Stina trying to decide whether or not to talk to them when she didn't have to.

The way Keefe's eyes kept finding hers, the sweet "I love you" that he would mouth every time they did.

The feel of his hand on the small of her back when he circled back to her. "Have you opened my gift yet?" He murmured.

In response, Sophie held up her wrist. Keefe had made her a bracelet to match the beaded necklace he'd given her after they set the alicorns free.

It was beautiful.

"Definitely the best gift I got today," she told him as she reached up to give him a quick kiss. "Makes me feel bad that all I gave you was a fresh package of E.L. Fudges and a human movie."

"Um, a human movie with elves and magic in it? I can't wait to see it!"

Sophie had given him a DVD  of the first Lord of the Rings movie. She thought he'd enjoy making fun of Legolas. All they needed was for Dex to find a way for them to watch it.

Keefe pulled Sophie into his arms. "I do have one more gift for you," he muttered as quietly as he could in the loud cafeteria. "But it'll have to wait until tonight. Are you free?"

"Considering Grady and Edaline have already invited you over for a big celebratory dinner, I think you know that I am."

"Good," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss her. "It's a date."

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