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Moments after they arrived home, their friends began to arrive. Within minutes, Fitz, Biana, Rayni, Tam, Linh, Marella, Maruca and Jensi had all gathered by the pond with Sophie and Keefe, sprawled out on the grass and discussing this exciting turn of events.

"It doesn't feel real, yet," Sophie admitted. "I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up. Even if we can get to him, how do we restore his memories? What if they've been washed away forever like my..." her voice wavered. "Like my human parents," she finished in a whisper.

Keefe reached for her hand. "They were only able to erase you so completely because you were there to enhance Damel while he worked," he reminded her quietly.

Fitz gave her a sad smile. "We'll find the right trigger. It'll be like Alvar's memories, all coming back at once." His face looked bitter for a moment. "Only this time it'll be a good thing."

Linh reached out and took Fitz' hand, gave it a gentle squeeze, and smiled at him before letting go.

Fitz flashed his movie-star-worthy smile at her before changing the subject.

"Where's Wylie?" He asked her in a would-be casual voice. "He said to keep him posted but that he wasn't able to come this morning, but didn't say why. Is he on assignment from the Council?"

"He's, um..." Linh laughed. "I'm not sure if I should say anything, but I know I can trust you guys. He's just started seeing someone, and he'd already made plans to spend the day with her."

Maruca rolled her eyes. "He's not going to be able to keep it a secret for long," she retorted. "He's already pretty crazy about her. I think he was even before he saw her name on his list. He didn't even throw a Winnowing Gala, just spent ages working up the courage to tell her how he felt. But that's all we should say. Let him reveal that to everyone else in his own time."

"I agree," Linh said.

"Dex and I have kind of wondered before if you and Wylie..." Biana admitted to Linh.

Linh laughed. "You're not the first ones. I love Wylie, but not like that." Sophie couldn't help but notice that Linh's eyes flicked to Fitz and away again. "Even now that I'm of age, I don't think I could be involved with someone older, who knew me when I wasn't."

Fitz was looking at Linh with cautious excitement in his eyes.

"So, Biana, I hear you got into an awkward situation with Forkle the other day," Keefe said with an impish smirk on his face.

Biana grimaced. "Dex told you about that?"

"That you got caught making out in Forkle's office? Oh, yeah, he was bragging about it."

The others all started laughing and looked at Biana.

"He was not bragging," Sophie told Biana, smacking Keefe's arm. "And he made it clear you weren't making out either. Just that he got caught kissing you. He said it was really embarrassing."

"It wasn't that big of a deal," Biana insisted. "Just awkward."

"I don't see why. My parents and I have all accidentally happened upon you guys kissing before. Which, by the way, is kind of gross." Fitz shuddered.

"I told you my opinion on that a long time ago," Keefe told Fitz loudly. "You gotta get your own girlfriend already." He raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

"I think a subject change is in order," Tam said, rolling his eyes.

Thank you, Fitz mouthed to him, laughing softly.

"Hey!" Jensi cut in suddenly, sounding, as always, like he'd eaten his weight in sugar. "Dex told me you guys can watch human movies here? Can we go watch one?"

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