Game Plan

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Everyone had gathered in the living room. Dex, in all his Technopathic genius, connected his small tablet to their large TV so he could easily share images with the whole room.

"He's living and working in New York City, in a area called Manhattan. He thinks he's a human named "Peter Delaney". He seems to have a pretty regular routine. Leave home, pick up coffee, go to work, come home again. He has a mild social life, but not much."

"Really?" Sophie asked. "But he's so friendly and fun. They couldn't have changed him that much?"

"No, he works in something they call "Human Resources" and his job references all list that he's friendly and good with people," Dex agreed.

Mr. Forkle offered his insight. "I imagine when Gethen washed his memories and gave him new ones, it was easier to stick with his true personality, but add in more of a tendency for reclusiveness and privacy. It would have made him easier to get to, if necessary, without the complication of dealing with too many humans in the way."

"So they took everything from him, and then took away any will for a social life, for friendships?" Fitz looked disgusted. Linh reached out and took his hand, causing him to look at their clasped hands and then look her in the eye. The disgust on his face immediately dissolved into something much warmer.

"That would appear to be the case, yes," Granite admitted. "But it is honestly easier for us this way. Less minds we have to try to wash, less records we have to erase. Even more so because it's such a large city. People come and go all the time. We'll just erase him from the records and people will assume he left without giving notice."

Sophie couldn't help but feel sad at that. One of the kindest elves she'd ever met, and no one in the human world would really even miss him when he was gone?

"So what do we do now? Can we go get him yet?" Keefe asked.

"Soon," Squall told them. "We need to work through the details first. Like, you can't just show up and bust down his door and tell him who he is. He won't believe you and he won't submit to you trying to access his memories—he'll try to call the police if you start messing with him."

Sophie sighed. This sounded familiar. "We'll have to sedate him like Alden did with Amy? And bring him here that way?"

Mr. Forkle nodded. "I know how you feel about sedatives," he told her softly. Behind him, Dex also shuddered delicately. "But this is the kindest way."

Sophie paled slightly, but nodded.

"That also means we don't need very many of you going," Wraith told them. "This isn't like in the past, when there was always a big fight for your lives. Kenric was dumped there and left, once everyone in the Neverseen was captured. The hard part is over."

"No it isn't," Maruca whispered. Sophie knew she was thinking of her family, of Wylie and Prentice and all the difficulties that came with restored memories.

"Well...there are some emotional hardships ahead," Wraith conceded. "But in terms of search and rescue, the hardest part is over."

"So who gets to go get him?" Dex asked.

"Me," Sophie and Fitz both said immediately.

"Well I want to come with the Cognate Companions too," Keefe added.

"It only seems fair that Mrs. Sencen and Mr. Vacker get to go, since their work with Gisela's memory break alerted us to this situation in the first place," Mr Forkle started. "And Mr. Dizznee was a vital part of the search, not to mention his abilities as a Technopath will help you sneak into his residence without triggering any alarms or damaging property."

"Although, Dex will need to get back and immediately get to work removing Kenric—or should I say "Peter"—from all their databases." Squall interjected.

Dex nodded in understanding. "I can do that."

"But what about—"

"Yes, Mr. Sencen, I understand you will want to accompany your wife and friends. We will allow it, but it should just be the four of you."

Some of the others looked ready to argue, but Granite immediately told them, "we have much to do here while we wait." He looked at Sophie. "Do you want to bring him here?"

She nodded. "We can set him up in a guest room. That'll be a comfortable place for Fitz and me to try restore his memories."

"Then we can be getting a room ready, and I think we need to get both Livvy and Elwin here. It means letting Elwin in on the secret, but then, once we have Kenric back, the whole Elvin world will eventually need to know. And who knows what kind of toxins he's ingested and inhaled these last few years."

"Or what mental state he'll be in once he's gotten his memories back," Linh added quietly. "He may need more sedatives."

"Do we need to go ahead and alert the Council?" Tam asked.

"No!" Sophie exclaimed. All eyes turned to look at her. "Not yet. We don't want to overwhelm him with the whole Council all showing up at once. Plus..." she looked at Mr. Forkle. "Apart from Elwin, I think Oralie needs to be the first to know."

"I agree with you completely," Mr. Forkle told her. "This will come as a huge shock to her."

"So, do we go now?" Dex asked.

"Very soon," Mr. Forkle told them. We will get you an Obscurer and a sedative. Do you think you can all hold your breath long enough to set off the gas-emitting disc?"

"Like the one Alden threw that time and knocked us all out?" Keefe asked. "Sure, if we know that's what we're supposed to do."

Linh and Biana stayed behind with Tiergan and Mr. Forkle to set up a guest bedroom for Kenric. The others went home, awaiting further news or instructions.

As Sophie, Keefe, Dex and Fitz prepared to leave, Mr. Forkle gave them final instructions.

"All you are doing is sneaking into his apartment building, getting inside his apartment, and releasing the sedative. Once he's out, you can light leap directly back here. We will have Livvy and Elwin here waiting. Mr. Dizznee, you will immediately begin erasing "Peter Delaney" from all their records while the others begin the work of trying to restore Kenric's memories. Should he want any mementos from his human life, we will collect them when we go to empty his apartment. Do you have any questions?"

"You won't tell Oralie yet?" Sophie asked.

Mr. Forkle shook his head. "I don't think we should tell her until Kenric is ready."

"I agree," Sophie said, relieved.

"Ready?" Keefe asked, taking Sophie's hand. He had an Obscurer tucked away in his pocket.

Dex walked over to Biana and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you in about an hour," he told her.

She smiled at him. "Miss you already."

Fitz looked at Linh, looking uncertain. But she walked up to him and merely placed her hand in his for a moment, looking at him intently. He grinned at her, then turned towards the others.

"Alright, let's do this."

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