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The days passed quickly. Emma grew and developed every day.

They did go visit Cassius at the Shores of Solace when Emma was a few weeks old.

There was a hint of awkwardness in the air, but Emma proved a very good buffer.

Especially since she gave them her first smile while they were there. They had gone to sit outside on one of the porch swings and listen to the sound of the waves. While talking quietly, Keefe leaned over to Emma—who was in Sophie's arms at the time—and gave her a little kiss on her forehead—earning a big smile as she looked up at her daddy.

Keefe's entire face lit up at Emma's smile, and he looked up at Sophie—and she knew her face must have looked every bit as excited as his.

Neither Sophie nor Keefe missed the tears in Cassius' eyes at the sight of Emma's smile—and his son's reaction.

But they didn't address it.

But the next day, Cassius surprised them by buying them a porch swing just like the ones he had and asking the gnomes to set it up by their pond, right under the shade of their favorite tree.

Keefe hailed his father to thank him, and Cassius actually sounded sincere as he told Keefe that he hoped their family would make countless happy memories on that swing.

There were still so many unspoken words between them. Sophie suspected that their relationship would be less awkward if they would just talk it out, but neither seemed eager to take that step.

Willing to spend more time together, and even being friendly—if still somewhat formal—but too afraid to achieve the vulnerability required for them to revisit their history together.

Sophie ached for them to have it out, because she knew that it still caused Keefe pain, even though his father had been far warmer and nicer towards him ever since she confronted him.

But she just had to hope that their improved relationship would continue to improve. They had eternity to take those steps.

Before they knew it, the next school year was beginning and Keefe had to resume his duties as Mentor.

Sophie began working again as a Regent and eventually was promoted to Emissary. A lot of what she did for the Council involved being a liaison between the intelligent species. Her unique position as the moonlark had long ago established her as a commanding voice for the elves, and had gained both the attention and the respect of the other intelligent species.

No matter how she tried, though, working with King Dimitar was always a bit uncomfortable for her.

There were just too many bad memories.

Thankfully, they had both grudgingly come to respect one another—and Ro always made it a point to be present when Sophie had to speak with him.

Sophie's main hope was that in time—and 'time' might well mean millennia—the humans could be reconciled to the elves and once again viewed as one of the intelligent species.

She knew it wouldn't be a popular idea—but also knew that she did at least have Bronte's support.

And of course, there were often assignments for her and Fitz to complete together as Cognates.

And Grady and Edaline were only too happy to watch Emma at Havenfield any time Sophie and Keefe were both working.

The one thing Sophie insisted on—with or without official permission from the Council—was that she would tell Keefe about her assignments. It didn't matter how classified the information was. She knew the secrets were safe with him. And she knew how much he abhorred the idea of there being any secrets in their home.

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