Elite Levels

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"Time to wake up, beautiful," Keefe was whispering, brushing his fingers gently across Sophie's cheek and through her hair.

Sophie slowly opened her eyes dreamily. There was Keefe, lying next to her, propped up on one elbow and leaning over so his face hovered mere inches from her own.

She smiled softly as she looked at his incredibly handsome features. "This isn't how you usually wake me up," she pointed out.

Keefe grinned. "Sorry," he whispered.

"Do we have time?" she asked, bringing one hand to his chest and slowly moving it downwards.

Keefe hesitated, eyes closing for a moment at the touch of her hand. "I mean...I want to," he started. "But...I wanted to surprise you. We're having breakfast with Grady and Edaline before heading to Foxfire. I know we've spoken with them but haven't seen them since the wedding. We're due at Havenfield in about fifteen minutes."

"Aw, I do miss them," Sophie said. "That's a great surprise. But..." she groaned. "You should've woken me up sooner."

Keefe chuckled. "I'm sorry." He leaned down and kissed her, deep and slow.

Sophie broke the kiss after a moment. "That is so not helping," she pointed out.

"No, you're right," Keefe agreed with a shiver. "but hey," he smirked. "I'll make it up to you tonight."

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Havenfield. Sophie smiled fondly at the noises coming from the pastures and the sight of the Panakes tree.

Keefe squeezed her hand in response to Sophie's excitement. "Good surprise?" he asked, smirking at her.

"Very good surprise," she agreed, pulling him in for a kiss. "Thank you."

"Hey now," Grady's voice called out from the pastures. "Just because you're married now doesn't mean we want to see such public displays of affection when you come over." But he was laughing as he walked towards them and pulled Sophie into a hug. "We've missed you around here, kiddo," he told her. He clapped Keefe on the back and was asking him how the gardens were coming along at Aeternum when Edaline came striding out of the house.

"Grady! You didn't tell me they were here!" she scolded, wrapping Sophie and Keefe both up in a hug.

"They only just got here, Eda," he assured her.

"Well, let's go inside and eat while we catch up. These two have classes to get to soon."

"Sophie's first year in her Elite levels," Grady agreed as they headed inside. "You've grown up too fast. All grown up and married."

Edaline teared up a little as they sat down and she conjured bowls of food for each of them. "I still can't believe it."

They spent the next few minutes eating and chatting. Hearing updates on the animals in the pasture, and how much harder the job felt after getting used to Sophie and Keefe's help over the years.

"We can still help sometimes," Keefe promised. "I always liked working with you in the pastures. I told myself the more I did the gross jobs, the more respect I'd earn from you."

"Well, it worked," Grady told him. He grinned. "Much as I didn't want to admit it then, you really earned my respect that day you sat at this table with me and told me you were dating Sophie, and accidentally told me you were already in love with her. I was always impressed with your obvious desire to have a good relationship with Edaline and myself, and not just Sophie. It told me you were serious."

Sophie laughed slightly as she placed a hand on Keefe's knee. "Maybe now is a good time to admit that I heard every word of that conversation."

Keefe and Grady both looked at her in surprise.

"Sorry," she said with a laugh. "I was coming downstairs and heard you talking, and was curious."

"No wonder you took it so well when I told you I loved you," Keefe laughed. "It's because you weren't even surprised."

"No, actually, I'd spent days hoping you'd say it."

Edaline was looking at them like they were the sweetest thing she'd ever seen.

Grady looked like he wanted to roll his eyes.

Before long, it was time for Sophie and Keefe to leave. To leap from Havenfield to Foxfire like they had so many times before.

At Foxfire, they walked hand in hand until the last possible moment. When they had to split up to go to their separate sessions in the towers, Keefe pulled Sophie in and held her close. "Back to real life," he whispered, somewhat sadly. "But I'll see you at lunch...and then we can head home together after our sessions are done." He kissed her sweetly, not caring who might be looking. He started to pull away after a moment, but Sophie held on a little tighter and kissed him again.

"I love you, Keefe Sencen."

Keefe smiled and reached a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "I love you too, Sophie Sencen."

Sophie and Fitz arrived at their Telepathy session before Tiergan. In his chair was a note:

If I am not here when you arrive, feel free to catch up while you wait. I have a lunch meeting that might run long.

Fitz shrugged. "Okay, I guess we have time to catch up. How do you like it so far, your Elite levels?"

It was Sophie's turn to shrug. "Studying Inflicting with Bronte is still strange, even with a fixed ability and a better working relationship with him. Telepathy training has always been my favorite."

Fitz nodded. "I'm sure it's partly because that's always been your easiest ability, and partly because Tiergan is a very likable Mentor."

"It helps that my Cognate is likable too," Sophie pointed out.

Speaking of likable... "Fitz, can I ask you a personal question?"

Fitz nodded. "Of course."

"How do you feel about Linh?"

Fitz took a deep breath. "Where is that question coming from?"

"I don't know," Sophie said truthfully. "I just...I've wondered before if there was maybe something there."

Fitz looked confused for a moment. "I honestly don't know how to answer your question. Linh is very sweet and incredibly gifted. She's supportive and caring and obviously she's pretty. But..."

"But what?" Sophie prompted when he didn't continue.

"I've wondered before," Fitz admitted. "But between Tam and Wylie, Linh is very well protected. I don't doubt that either of them could do me some serious damage if they didn't want me asking her out." Fitz laughed. "So I've never given it serious thought."

Sophie suppressed a smile. "What about an idle thought?"

Fitz opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Tiergan came rushing into the room.

Something definitely seemed off. Tiergan seemed frustrated, surprised, but determined.

"I have...well, I have an assignment for the two of you. Not for your studies but from the Council." Tiergan looked first Sophie, then Fitz directly in the eyes before continuing.

"The Council is ordering you to do a memory break on Gisela Sencen."

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