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"I hope they didn't plan a big celebration," Sophie told Keefe as they prepared to leave Aeternum. They, along with the rest of the elvin world, had received coordinated scrolls announcing Kenric's miraculous return. "He deserves one, but I'm not sure he's going to be ready to be around big crowds, everyone wanting to talk to him. It might be overwhelming."

"That's true. But I also think it'll be hard for everyone to believe it if they don't see him. That's probably why they've cancelled Foxfire and all noble activities for the day and invited everyone to gather at noon. So they can see him for themselves."

He walked up behind her as she stood in front of the mirror, fussing with her dress. "You look amazing, Foster," he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Sophie grimaced. "I wish I didn't have to dress up for this. I don't think I'll ever get used to all the frills and glitter."

"I don't know...maybe someday you will. You know, when our ears are pointy like Bronte's." Keefe smirked at her.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Sophie said with a shudder.

"Don't worry," he whispered in her ear. "You'll look cute with pointy ears. I'm more worried about myself. What if it changes how I fix The Hair?"

Sophie just rolled her eyes before turning in his arms and giving him a quick kiss. "Let's go."

A large crowd had already gathered by the time they arrived. The atmosphere was very charged. People seemed unsure whether or not they should believe what their scrolls had told them.

But no one could deny the truth when the twelve Councillors walked onto the platform followed by Kenric.

It was almost strange to see him standing there without a circlet on his head. He still looked so natural, even after all this time, standing among his fellow Councillors. But things had changed now.

The collective gasp from the crowd was followed by a deafening cheer.

Emery was the first to speak. "The scrolls you received this morning explained how we lost Kenric and that he was returned to us, but now we would like to tell you how this amazing task was accomplished."

Were they about to tell the whole elvin world about Gisela's memory break? Sophie stole a quick glance at Keefe. He was clearly wondering the same thing she was. He looked down at her with a nervous but determined look in his eyes. Sophie reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

Keefe had come to terms with his mother's memory break, but that didn't mean it would be particularly enjoyable for their whole world to know about it.

Thankfully, Emery merely told them that the truth was discovered during a final round of interrogation of the Neverseen. He lauded the Black Swan for their diligence in seeking and finding Kenric.

Sophie, Keefe, Fitz and Dex were all asked to come up on to the platform.

At that time, Kenric stepped forward. "Were it not for the hard work of these four—and the support of their friends—I would have been stuck thinking I was a human forever." He turned to look at them. "I could never thank you enough for your cleverness or your hard work." He turned back to the crowd. "Needless to say, there would have eventually been some difficulty as those humans around me continued to age and I did not. Who knows what curiosity or even horrors I would have faced as the humans began to notice. The very secrecy of our world could've been compromised. We all owe these young people a huge debt of gratitude."

Sophie blushed slightly, with the eyes of countless elves upon her. Keefe held her hand tightly. Fitz looked embarrassed but happy. Dex was clearly pleased, but also ready to get back out of the limelight.

Emery stepped forward once more. "We would ask that Kenric be given some privacy in the coming days and weeks, as he works to acclimate himself once more to life in the Lost Cities. For now, everyone is dismissed to go and celebrate as each family sees fit."

Kenric and Oralie had disappeared, but the other Councillors remained on the platform.

"I'm going to go find Linh," Fitz said with a wink as they all exited the platform and entered the crowd. Many had already glittered away, but there were also still a lot of people milling around and talking about the amazing news they'd received.

"And I'm going to find Biana," Dex said. But then he leaned in and whispered quietly to Sophie, "but don't let me forget, I want to show you the ring I picked out for her." Sophie grinned at him.

"I don't know how he's going to hold on to that until midterms," Keefe told her as they walked aimlessly through the crowd. "He still has a few weeks and you know he's itching to get it on her finger."

Sophie was about to respond when they saw Lord Cassius approaching them. Keefe's hand gripped Sophie's more tightly, but he showed no other sign of tension.

Cassius' smile looked less oily and more genuine as he greeted them both.

"I always knew you'd do amazing things," he told Sophie. "And you," he said, looking at Keefe with a slightly guilty look on his face. "All those times I feared you wouldn't amount to are clearly proving me wrong."

"Glad to hear it," Keefe said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

He's trying, Sophie reminded him.

"Keefe," Cassius said quietly. "I'm sure you no longer care, and I can't say I blame you. But I just needed to let you know I'm proud of what you've done."

Keefe looked dumbstruck. "I...don't know what to say to that."

For a second, Cassius' carefully composed face crumbled, revealing bitter regret. But he recovered quickly, plastering a smooth smile on his face and placing a hand on his son's shoulder. Keefe managed not to wince or grimace at his father's touch. "Perhaps I should tell you that more often, then." Before they could say anything else, he nodded at them both and glittered away.

Keefe turned to Sophie. "What am I supposed to do?" He asked her. "I can tell he regrets how hard he was on me, and I know guilt is not a good thing for us to dwell on, but...he can't change it. All the awful things he said, all the love he withheld, he can't undo it and I can't forget it. No matter how much regret I feel from him now."

Sophie squeezed his hand. "No, you can't. And his guilt is not your responsibility. Your only job here is to decide how you want to move forward. You can't forget, but you can forgive and try to have a better relationship moving forward, if you want. I'll support whatever you do. I just want you to be okay."

"You're cute when you worry about me," Keefe whispered with a soft smile, reaching up to smooth the worry crease from between her eyes.

Sophie grinned at him. "Why don't we go home and enjoy having the rest of the day to ourselves? No sessions, no studying."

Keefe leaned in and kissed her, pulling out his home crystal. "Sounds perfect."

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