Full Circle

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The next couple of weeks passed without incident. They checked in with Oralie periodically. She was happier than Sophie had ever seen her, though it was obvious that any time away from Kenric made her nervous. Kenric, on the other hand, was steadily gaining more and more knowledge of everything he had missed. The more he knew, the less foreign he felt, and the easier it was to work through his trauma.

One day, about two weeks after Kenric's return, Sophie and Keefe received a scroll from the Council requesting their presence in Eternalia.

"Midterms are only a couple weeks away," Sophie said, looking at the scroll. "I was hoping we could use this weekend to get caught up on studying. I hope whatever this is doesn't take too long."

"We?" Keefe asked. "You, maybe. I have a painting to finish. That's way more important than studying."

Sophie rolled her eyes as she pulled on a pair of boots. They assumed being in Eternalia meant dressing like nobility, so she wore a bejeweled dress under her cape.

"Is it the painting of Kenric and Oralie's reunion?" Sophie asked as they headed up to their Leapmaster.

"Sure is. I realize she was sobbing—not sure I even knew it was possible to cry that hard and kiss someone at the same time—but I still figure it's a moment they'd like to have captured. Ready?"

Sophie nodded, so he took her hand and they stepped into the light path.

Their instructions had been, curiously, to come to Oralie's castle. When they arrived, Kenric answered the door. He grinned at them and welcomed them inside.

Fitz, Linh, Dex, Biana and Mr. Forkle were there as well.

"Welcome," Kenric said with a huge smile, "to my wedding."

Stunned silence for about two seconds before Sophie and Biana both squealed.

"But...shouldn't this be a big, fancy event?" Dex asked.

"Probably, but we don't want that. We just want to quietly get married and start our life together. So the Council will be here, and then the seven of you. We knew we could have invited your other friends too, but we wanted the numbers to be few. The four of you worked the hardest to help get me home."

Linh smiled. "So Biana and I are here as Dex and Fitz' dates?"

Fitz grinned at that and took Linh's hand.

Kenric smiled. "I suppose you could say that. We figured this is a time to celebrate love, so having Dex and Fitz's loved ones felt appropriate—especially since you did help support them as they searched for me."

With that, Kenric lead them upstairs, to a massive room so beautiful and grand it was hard to believe it was in someone's home. There were a small number of chairs set in the middle of the room, where the Council had already convened.

All but Alina, for some reason.

"I like you being my date," Fitz whispered to Linh as they sat together in chairs directly behind the Council.

"For the record," Dex said to Biana with a grin, "I like you being my date too."

"Well?" Biana said to Keefe after a moment. "Isn't this when you tell Sophie you like that she's your date?"

"Believe me, I'll tell her later," Keefe said with a  seductive wink at Sophie, slinging an arm over her shoulder.

Dex and Fitz both rolled their eyes, but Bronte slowly turned to look at Keefe with an odd mixture of amusement, disgust and embarrassment on his face.

Keefe merely offered a smirk and a little wave.

Fitz leaned forward and said, "be grateful, he could be a whole lot more gross than that if he wanted to be."

Troublemaker, Sophie transmitted to Keefe.

Don't even pretend like you're not looking forward to going home now, he shot back, looking at her with raised eyebrows. You can't lie to an Empath.

Sophie grinned at him and scooted closer. You know me too well.

Just then, Councillor Terik—apparently a favorite for performing weddings—stood up next to Kenric.

The look that crossed Kenric's face informed them that Oralie had entered the room. All heads turned to look at her.

She had chosen a white gown, still accented with her beloved pink. Her beauty was so extreme that Sophie couldn't blame Kenric for looking at Oralie like...well, like Keefe had looked at her on their wedding day.

She stole a glance at Keefe, who must've been thinking along the same lines. He leaned in and whispered "I love you" before focusing his attention back on Oralie and Kenric.

The ceremony was very short—merely an exchange of vows—but incredibly sweet. Sophie, Biana and Linh were all crying.

But Sophie couldn't help but wink at Dex and transmit this'll be you and Biana before you know it.

After giving hugs and congratulations all around, Keefe asked if the marriage was meant to remain a secret.

"Only until tomorrow," Emery said. "We will be sending out coordinated scrolls tomorrow morning. This would probably warrant a public assembly, but we will respect the Fathdons' privacy while they take some time together before returning to Councillor duties.

Sophie did not miss what Emery had just said. She looked quickly at Oralie, who smiled at her.

"You heard him correctly," she said. "I will not be stepping down."

Emery nodded. "It took a lot of debate, but we had a majority vote yesterday. We believe you were correct, Sophie, in your assertion that our rule against families has caused more harm than good. Those Councillors that choose to have families may have different duties at times, but they will be able to remain on the Council."

"So tomorrow's scrolls will announce the marriage and the change that allows Oralie to remain on the Council?" Fitz asked.

"Not only that," Councillor Darek added. "Not...all of us liked that we've overturned the family rule. Alina has decided to step down."

"And good riddance," Terik mumbled under his breath.

Sophie couldn't help but laugh at that.

"So will there be another nomination and voting process to elect a new Councillor?" Biana asked.

"No need," Bronte said. "Not since the Councillor she was replacing has returned to us."

Sophie looked at Kenric, who smiled at her and nodded.

Tears filled her eyes. "I'm so glad to hear it," she said quietly. Things had really come full circle, for Kenric at least.

Sophie offered Kenric and Oralie quick hugs before she and Keefe made their way back downstairs.

"Alright, Foster," Keefe said when they leapt back to Aeternum. "Let's grab what we need and go sit by the pond. You can study if you want, but I'm going to paint. I have a wedding present to finish."

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