Promises (part 2)

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That night after dinner, Keefe invited Sophie to take a walk. Grady may have rolled his eyes and let out a good-natured "That Boy", but he allowed it, especially when Edaline whispered "get used to it—That Boy is completely in love with our daughter."

So they left the house, hand in hand, wandering in the moonlight towards the Grove.

"Back to our favorite place?" Sophie asked.

That beautiful, romantic clearing had never lost its sense of magic. The whole place looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. But then, most of the Lost Cities looked like that.

But this clearing was special.

Keefe squeezed her hand in response. He seemed jittery. "It's one place we seem to consistently find privacy." The bodyguards were always nearby, but since they were still on Havenfield grounds, they didn't feel the need to actually follow them into the clearing.

And as Ro had finally rejoined their ranks a few weeks ago, it was nice to get a few moments to breathe without her running commentary on how cute they were, or how she had been right all along.

When they entered the clearing, Sophie couldn't help but take it all in again, the beauty of the place.

But when she looked over at Keefe, he was just watching her. When she caught him staring, he quickly flashed a smirk at her. "You're cuter than glowing toadstools," he said with a shrug. Then he looked away for a moment.

He was definitely nervous. Sophie was reminded of the day he'd given her the painting of them standing in this very spot. He'd been nervous about his gift that day too. "Are you afraid I won't like your gift?" Sophie asked. "You're acting like you did the day you gave me that painting, and that was the best gift ever."

"Well see, that's the thing. You told me I wouldn't be able to top it."

"And you said 'challenge accepted'."

"Yeah, I'm hoping I've topped it."


He smirked again. "I don't know, maybe I should just leave you in suspense."

Sophie groaned. "I think we've had enough of that for a lifetime."

"Okay, okay, you're right." He stepped closer, bringing both hands slowly up to her face, leaning in--eyes on hers until the last possible second--and kissing her. Gentle, sweet, safe. Sophie melted into him, into the kiss.

"That was nice," she said quietly as they broke apart.

"I agree, Foster. But as amazing of a kisser as I am, that's not actually the gift." He paused, that nervous energy back. "So, I've been thinking about the perfect gift. Apart from my own presence, of course," he said with a wink. Sophie rolled her eyes but didn't respond, just merely watched and listened. "A lot of couples our age like to give crush cuffs, but seeing as how the purpose of those--as useless as it might be--is to try to show the matchmakers that they want to be on each other's match lists, that didn't seem appropriate. You're unmatchable and I have no interest in registering. I know I want to be with you, so there's literally no point. The fact that it irritates my dear old dad is just an added bonus."

Lord Cassius didn't appreciate Keefe deviating from what was expected of a noble family. Keefe's rebellion started as an act of defiance against his father, but now it was also a protest against the injustices they saw in the elven world.

"But I still wanted it to be something meaningful, something I would only give to you. So I made you that bracelet, but I still wanted something more than that. And then it hit me. When I was hiding in the Forbidden Cities, I watched a lot of human movies and learned a lot more about their culture than I ever did before. And I realized there is a human tradition that would be very fitting--especially since you grew up in the human world. Like maybe it would be more meaningful to you personally, being linked to a human tradition instead of an elven one." His hand trembled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "And then I figured, Dex and Fitz both already have rings on your fingers, so shouldn't your boyfriend be represented too?"

Sophie opened the box and found a simple but beautiful ring inside. A thin silver band with a small, heart-shaped ruby. Keefe always did seem to love seeing her in red. She smiled widely and looked up at him, eyes filling with tears.

"It's a promise ring," he whispered, unable to contain his relief as he read her emotions. "It means I am promising to be with you forever. I love you, Sophie."

"I love you too," she breathed as she slid the ring onto her finger. Tears began to spill over as she threw her arms around him and kissed him again. He responded enthusiastically, picking her up and swinging her around before placing her back on the ground carefully. He then reached up to her face, wiping her tears.

"I also promise, this isn't the only ring I'll be putting on that finger. Next time, I'll get down on one knee to give it to you. Someday."

"Keefe," Sophie practically purred. "This is the most perfect gift you could've given me. I guess you did manage to top that painting after all."

Keefe smiled at her. Not a smirk, not a smug, laughing grin. An unbearably sweet smile that lit up his impossibly handsome face. "Well, I have literal forever to try to top it again," he said bewitchingly as he pulled her back in for another kiss.

Forever with Keefe Sencen? Sophie thought to herself. Oh yes, please.

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