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"Yesterday was a very big day for all of you," Tiergan told Sophie and Fitz at the start of their Telepathy session the next day. "Performing a memory break is always a big deal, but especially given all the circumstances surrounding it, this was even more emotionally charged for you both—and for Keefe as well."

Sophie nodded. "It really was."

Tiergan smiled kindly at her. "As such, I wanted to take the time today to make sure you work through that before we do any other training." He looked at them seriously. "I hardly need to remind you that Alden and Quinlin lost their Cognate connection after breaking Prentice. And once it's gone, you can't get it back. You seem to be on the same page, but we can't risk it. Please take some time to clear the air, talk through everything as much as you can, before we resume training."

Fitz and Sophie turned to look at each other.

Is there anything you need to talk about? He asked her. All I have on my mind is concern for both of you...and now for Kenric.

The confusion on his face as he mentioned Kenric was evident.

I don't know, Sophie said. I think the shock of what we learned kind of overshadowed the actual memory break. Keefe didn't have a chance yesterday to just sit down and process it. We talked a little about it before you arrived, and he said it was mostly just that it was upsetting watching a break, and seeing someone broken, regardless of who it was. I don't think it really caught up to him until you left and we went to bed last night.

What do you mean? What happened?

He seemed fine but when we climbed into bed he just started shaking. He didn't really know why but just his whole body couldn't stop trembling. I think it was just shock. He finally relaxed enough for his body to react to everything that happened.

That sounds like exactly what happened, Fitz said sympathetically. I had that happen once too. After we found you dying and almost fading. When I thought you were dead, all I felt was grief. When we got you back, but weren't sure you'd survive, there was a lot of shock and disbelief and that first night, that's what happened to me too.

Oh wow, I never knew that. How did you make it stop?

I just had to wait it out. It stopped after a while. I asked Elwin about it the next morning and he told me it was the body's response to shock.

Sophie nodded. He said it was really weird, because he felt fine, he wasn't panicking or anything. I just wrapped my arms around him and tried to hold him together until it subsided. Then this morning he seemed okay.

Poor guy. But you're okay?

I think so. It's not my first memory break, and Fintan's was way more traumatic, he hurt your dad and then right after that was when your dad's mind broke, so all in all this was...way less awful. Right now there's just so much anxiety about the Kenric situation.

Fitz shuddered. I think we are doing the right thing all around, though. The memory break was right, and now I'm glad it was us because I think Forkle was right—no one else would have found out about Kenric. Now we can learn the truth.

I agree completely. Sophie paused. I guess we can tell Tiergan we're ready.

Fitz grinned. Or we could enjoy a few more minutes of just talking first.

Sophie smiled. Sounds good to me. I was just thinking earlier I wanted to apologize if it seems I'm pushing you towards Linh. I just...thought maybe there was something between you, and I so badly want to see you happy. Keefe and I both do.

I know. I don't feel like you're pressuring me or anything. It's just...hard to know what to do. I do like her but...I don't know. With you, I knew you liked me. Linh is more shy, it's hard to discern what she's really thinking. So I don't really want to let myself unless I know she's interested. Plus...I don't know. I've already registered for the match. But things are changing. I don't think Linh is registered. I don't know anymore if I still care about it or if I don't.

That's a lot to be thinking about, Sophie conceded.

Yeah. So it's hard to know whether to even pursue anything, you know? Right now I could just walk away and it be nothing more than a little bit of disappointment. If I try to get involved...I could get hurt again. I think it's better to go into a relationship knowing what's expected.

Makes sense. Less people would get hurt if they'd make sure they were on the same page with someone before they got involved.


Well maybe you could just have an open conversation with her. See if she's interested. If so, discuss all of this together.

Maybe. Fitz looked almost mortified at the thought. That's a pretty vulnerable place to be.

By the time they finished discussing Linh, session was over. Sophie was itching to get to Keefe and head home, so she raced out the door and down to meet him—Fitz laughing at her as she went.

And there was Keefe, waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled when he saw her, but that smile turned into a smirk when he felt her emotions.

"Miss me much, Foster? You'd think you hadn't just seen me at lunch," he teased her as he took her hand.

"I'm just looking forward to a quiet afternoon and evening at home after a crazy few days," she told him.

So they leapt home. The moment they arrived, Keefe pulled Sophie into his arms. "For the record, I missed you during sessions today too," he murmured before kissing her.

After everything that had happened that week, Sophie was more than willing to sink into this moment of bliss. To marvel at how perfect it still was. To take delight in the way it felt to have his warm, strong hands pressing into her back. How safe and cared for she felt.

How could she have doubted, even for a moment? He loved this life of theirs every bit as much as she did.

And that's when she realized what movie she needed to show Keefe.

The lines came into her mind and they were very relevant.

"I will never doubt again."

"There will never be a need."

Sophie pulled away and grinned up at Keefe. "How do you feel about watching a movie?"

Keefe smirked at her. "It's not exactly what I had in mind," he admitted, sliding one hand under her shirt suggestively. "But you seem especially excited to show me this particular movie, so I'm game."

Sophie leaned up to kiss him again—trying to ignore, for now, the slow burn that had started at the touch of his hand—before pulling away and leading him into the house. "Good," she said. "It's time to introduce you to 'The Princess Bride'."

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