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"So all in all...elves and humans have similar traditions when it comes to weddings?" Sophie asked Edaline.

"I can't say I know a whole lot about human weddings, but it sounds like it," Edaline told her. "So much of what we taught the humans has faded, but wedding ceremony traditions seem to have stuck. A member of the Council will perform the ceremony. Obviously the music is different, since humans and elves write music so differently. Keefe will be wearing nicely tailored clothes, but they'll definitely still be elven clothes and not a human man's tuxedo. But I imagine your gown will look similar. And you will sometimes see the father walk the bride down the aisle, and sometimes you won't.  If the bride is still new to adulthood, sometimes they will opt to do that."

Sophie laughed. "Keefe says I should have Grady walk me down the aisle because there's no way I won't trip or find a way to get kidnapped before I make it all the way to him."

Edaline grinned at her. "I don't know if I should be realistic and agree with Keefe, or be a supportive mom and insist that you're capable of walking in dress and heels without catastrophe."

Sophie just rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about it, I want Grady to give me away."

Edaline's smile softened. "You know, Jolie did too. She and Brant decided it would be a good way for us to show that Grady and I supported the marriage despite it being a bad match." Edaline looked like she was far away for a moment, and also looked terribly sad. "I'm sorry," she said. "Even after all these years, grief is such a heavy burden to bear. But it doesn't mean we don't love you every bit as much."

"I understand," Sophie said, reaching for her mom's hand. "I love you and Grady so much, more than I thought could ever be possible when I had to leave my human family. But...I can't just forget the first twelve years of my life, either. I wish...I wish they could be at my wedding, but of course they don't even know I exist. Not anymore."

Edaline squeezed her hand. "Grief is a strange thing. Catches us at odd times, comes in waves. Sometimes you feel fine, and others it's so painful it can take your breath away. But you know what?"


"Grady will be thrilled to walk you down the aisle. It'll be like..."

"Like I get another chance to do what I should've gotten to do all those years ago," Grady said softly from the doorway. Sophie and Edaline had been so engrossed in their conversation they hadn't noticed his arrival. "Sophie, if that's what you want, I would love that."

Sophie got up to give him a hug. "That's exactly what I want. If it won't be too painful."

Grady pulled back and rested both of his hands on Sophie's shoulders. "No, kiddo. If anything, it'll be healing. It won't undo what happened, but it'll be nice to get to do this with my daughter."

Sophie's eyes welled with tears. "I really love both of you so much. I'm so thankful you took me in."

Edaline moved over to join the hug. "We love you too, Sophie."

Then Grady broke free and said "okay, show me what all you've gotten done and how I can help."

"So plans are going well?" Keefe asked as they sat at the table working on invitations.

"It is. There are so many details to planning a wedding. But thankfully Edaline already did this for her own wedding and for Jolie's so she knows what she's doing. So really, there's not much left to do once we finish the invitations and have them handed out this week. I hope you don't mind, our wedding will look a lot like Jolie's should have. I never saw myself marrying in the human world, and as an elf I have never been to a wedding so I didn't really have any specific dreams or plans."

Keefe smiled at her. "The only dream and plan of mine was for you to be my bride, and I already got that."

Sophie scooted her chair closer to Keefe so she could lean over and kissed his cheek. "So you don't mind the wedding being on the grounds here? Even though it might mean hearing some roaring animals at some point?"

"Not at all. Honestly I'm so used to it after all the time I've spent here over the years, I probably won't even notice."

After a moment, Sophie carefully asked, "Keefe? Should we invite Lord Cassius?"

Keefe looked up. "Yes," he said slowly. "I think we should. If he's going to make an effort to at least be civil from now on, I guess I should be too." He paused. "But that goes both ways. I think you should invite Oralie."

"I'm a Regent, the whole Council is invited," Sophie reminded him.

"I know, but I mean invite her specifically. You know, make sure she knows you want her there. And then...try to want her there."

Sophie sighed. "Okay, you're right. I should go see her. The wedding is coming up really soon. Oh! Did I tell you we've worked it out for Amy to come?"

"No, you didn't. I'm not surprised though, I knew Bronte would be able to convince the Council. And her...your parents will think she's just with a friend that day?"

"Yup. I'm glad at least part of my first family will be there."

Keefe scooted even closer to her and turned in his chair to face her. He brought one hand up, arm resting on the back of her chair, and reached out to flip her hair over her shoulder. "Me too," he murmured, bringing his hand to rest on the back of her neck. "I like seeing you happy."

Sophie smiled as she leaned in to kiss him, both hands on his cheeks. Keefe's free hand found its way to her knee, idly tracing soft circles with his fingers as he trailed slowly up her leg—making her shiver and her heart pound embarrassingly loudly—until it came to rest on her waist.

Keefe broke the kiss and laughed softly, and she knew it was in response to the fluttery feelings he was giving her. "We're done with the guest list stuff now, right? Because there's something I want to show you." He stood up, pulling a new crystal out of his pocket, and reached for her hand.

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