A Crabby Battle

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I lit the fuse and the cannon fired. It hit the crab on the claw that was about to crush us and It let a roar of pain but that only seemed to make it angrier. Several more cannons balls hit in various spots but like mine, they only made it angrier.

"Reload!" I heard Jones shout.

We fired a second time but again, nothing.

"They're not doing anything!" I heard someone shout.

Suddenly the crab grabbed the person who shouted that and devoured him in one deadly bite.

"Draw your swords! Continue firing and if it goes for you aim for the joints with her sword!" Jones shouted.

We fired another round and this time the crab seemed a little dazed but unfortunately it recovered quickly and this time punched a hole in the ship and taking a few more men.

"Keep firing!" Jones shouted.

Another round of cannons and once again, they did nothing.

The beast raised its claw and this time, aimed for Jones. He didn't take notice so I ran forward.

"Behind you!" I yelled.

He turned just as it was about to grabbed him and stabbed it in the joint. It jerked back and let out a roar of pain.

"Thanks, lass." He said.

"Any plan on how to defeat this?" I asked.

"I'm workin' on it." He replied.

Just then, a cannon ball hit the beast in the head. At that, the beast roared very loudly, it's mouth opening wide. That...was when I got the idea. I looked at Jones.

"I think I have an idea!" I shouted over another loud roar.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"What if we make the crab angrier and as it roars, fire a cannon into its mouth. I'm sure that'll damage it."

He looked at me. "That's not a bad idea."

He then gave orders on what to do, someone would shoot at the crab from the right side near the stern, and someone else would then fire from the left side near the bow hopefully making it turn to roar,when it does a third person will fire near that second person, and hopefully the cannon will go into it's mouth and hopefully, kill it.

I was the third person.

The beast punched another hole in the ship, and took a few more men.

"Ready...fire!" The first cannon hit it in the claw and it turned on the left side and roared, aiming to strike.

The second cannon fired hitting the beast in one of it's eyes. It reared back it pain then faced us, letting out the loudest roar yet.

It was my turn.

I took a deep breath, it was now or never. I fired, and the cannon hit it's target.

The beast's roar was cut short as the cannon ball flew into it's mouth and destroyed its vital organs. The beast then fell into the sea, lifeless.

"Looks like crab meat for dinner, men!" Someone shouted and we all cheered.

"That was a good idea you had."I heard someone say, and I turned around to find Jones standing there looking at me, the hint of a smile on his face "Not bad for yer first day."

I beamed. "Only because your a good captain."

He then looked at me strangely. "Thanks." He said, then walked away, leaving me a bit confused.

That didn't last long though, because I then saw some of the men leaping off the ship into the sea with sacks to collect the crab meat and I got excited. (I have a thing for crab.)

Within a few hours we were all enjoying the meat which was seared over an open flame. There was talking and laughing and friendly introductions in which I met some new people who were nice. Then I noticed Jones wasn't there.

Why isn't he here? I wondered. I grabbed a plate of the meat and some rum, then slipped away silently.

I found him on the stern near the rails watching the sky which was now clear and full of stars.

"Hey." I said.

He jumped and turned around. "Oh it's just you." He said. "You startled me."

I chuckled. "That marks that off my bucket list."

"Marks what off?"

"Scaring a pirate captain."

"You didn't scare me, you startled me. There's a difference."


"What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I was just wondering, why you aren't celebrating with the rest of us?"

He didn't answer right away, he just stared at the night sky. "I just thought I'd stay out here, I've never really been a 'people person'."

I nodded in understanding, then set the meat and rum down on the rail.

"Well, I brought this for you to enjoy, and I must warn you that crab is dreadfully good." I said.

He looked at me then, and smiled.


A true genuine smile. I didn't think he had it in him.

"Thanks." He said taking a bite of the meat. "Ok, this is some good meat." He said.

"Told you." I smiled.

Suddenly he looked frustrated. "Leave me."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I said leave me. Now." He turned on me.

"O-ok." I backed away and went back to the bonfire.

What was that all about?

Hope y'all enjoyed :D

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