A Starry Night

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The next few days we're not as eventful as my first few. Jones was avoiding me, and I suspected he thought he had said too much. I've been there before and knew what it felt like, so I didn't bother him. At one point I saw a couple of the sailors playing this game called 'Liars Dice' and it looked interesting so I joined in.

"Two, three's." Fred said.

"Three, three's." Maccus said.

"Four three's." I said.

I watched as they lifted up their cups revealing four three's.



I got up and cheered while the men that lost continued gaping.

"We were just beaten by a woman. A woman!"

I glared at Fred. "What's wrong with that?"

"I-uhm-well-" he continued stuttering. "Nothing. Nevermind."

"That's what I thought."

"Y'know what? I dare you to take on the captain!"

Several of the men gasped.

"Beating him should be a breeze for you!"

"Beating who?" Said a voice directly behind me. I turned to find Jones there.

"N-no one sir." Fred stuttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Since I beat Fred and Maccus, Fred is being a sore loser and dared me the play a game of Liar's Dice with you."

Fred shrunk into a corner as Jones gave him a look.

"Challenged accepted."

We both took a seat then put the dice in the cups and shook them for a second before putting them down.

"What's your bid, Captain?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "Four fives. You?"

"Five fives." I replied.

We both peaked under our cups to see which numbers were facing up before continuing.

I had a total of four fives, which probably meant Jones had at least a few.

"Six fives." He said.

"Seven fives." I replied.

We both lifted up our cups to find a total of...

Seven fives.

I gasped. I had just beat the Davy Jones in a game of Liar's Dice. He seemed just as shocked.

"She did it..." The crew muttered.

Jones stood up suddenly and held out his hand. "Well played."

I stood up and shook it. "Good game."


After our game of Liar's dice I decided to go out back and star gaze. The night sky was so beautiful with its dark violet color dotted with millions of stars. The sea was also calm lapping gentle against the ship, it was breathtaking. I listened as that same song, beautiful and sad play as it does every night. By now I've memorized it and had begun to hum along with it. My head was so in the clouds I didn't even notice the presence behind me until he cleared his throat. I jumped, and spun around to find Maccus there, watching me.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "you startled me."

"Sorry lass," he chuckled "just thought I heard somethin' an' went to check it out, nice pipes." He commented.

Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Red Emerald (UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now