A Miracle

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After sobbing on his body for who knows how long I felt Jack's hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon lass, we need to go. Backup's probably gonna be here soon with that jerk not returning."

I shook my head and hung onto him tighter.

"Marina come on, we need to go." He gently grabbed my shoulder and tried to pry me away.

"No!" I screamed. "I'm not leaving him!"

"We can take his body with us for a proper funeral. Now let's go!"


Two hours later we were out on the open ocean. I was inside Davy's cabin sitting next to his body keeping it company, when there was a knock at the door.

"Marina?" It Nyx.

"Come in." I croaked.

She came in with Jack close behind.

"I am truly sorry for your loss dear." She said, sitting next to me. "But...there might be hope of bringing him back."

I froze. "What?? How!?" I demanded.

"With this." She pulled a bottle full of some kind of green liquid out of her cloak, along with The Red Emerald and a bowl full of water.

I looked at her questioningly.

She opened the small bottle and poured the green liquid all over the Emerald.

"How's that going to-" Jack started to say, but stopped as the Emerald began to change colors.

It went from its normal blood-red to a muddy-brown and slowly, a bright healthy green.

"Well now I can tell it's and emerald." Jack commented.

She put the now green emerald into the bowl of water and drank from it.

Slowly, her wrinkles disappeared, and her thin grey hair turned into a thick red color. She took a deep breath as she felt her strength return.

I stared dumbfounded at what just happened.

"Wha- just how old are you???" Jack asked.

"I don't know, I lost count at around 100."

He did a double take.

"Now Marina," she turned to face me. "Have Davy drink the rest of this." She handed me the bowl of the now green and glowing water.

I opened his mouth and lifted the bowl to it. Once it was empty I handed it back to her, and waited...and waited...and waited.

"...nothing's happening." I said, a lump forming in my throat.

She sighed sadly. "I was afraid of this, it's not fully proven to bring back the dead...I'm sorry Marina."

"It's not your fault." I croaked, more tears slipping from my eyes.

To my surprise Jack came over and gave me a hug. "...we can hold the funeral tomorrow if you'd like." He said after a moment.

I nodded silently.

"Come, it's late. We all need rest." Nyx said, standing up.

"You coming?" Jack asked me, standing up.

"No, I think I'll sleep in here tonight." I replied.

They both nodded and left, leaving me alone with Davy's body.

I climbed into his bed and hugged it, trying to seek some kind of comfort. The next thing I know, I'm asleep.


I woke up suddenly to a blinding green light.

"What in the world?" I exclaimed, covering my eyes.

Then, as soon as it had started, it stopped.

I looked around, trying to find the source, when I saw something that made my heart skip several beats. Davy was stirring.

"D-Davy?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah?" He responded groggily.

I started crying again, but this time because of joy.

"What?" He asked, sitting up.

Without saying anything, I hugged him as though I could loose him again at any time.

"Lass? What's gotten into-" then he stopped, remembering the events from a few hours ago.

"I was dead..."

I felt him return the hug, equally as tight but I noticed it felt...different.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed.

"I missed you as well." He replied, kissing the top of my head, but instead of tentacles, I felt whiskers.

I immediately looked into his face, and froze. He was human. He looked like he was in his late 20's and extremely handsome. He had a stubble beard, shoulder-length brown hair, and those same blue eyes.

"Um...D-Davy?" I stuttered.

"What?" He asked gently.

I pointed to his face.

Confused, he felt it.

"I'm human!" he breathed. He began to laugh with joy and hugged me again, which I immediately returned.

We sat there, hugging, laughing, and crying for a while, then we both grew tired.

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to tell everyone the funeral is canceled." I said, wiping tears of joy from my eyes.

"And in place of it, a wedding." Davy said, smiling.

I stopped and looked at him. "W-what?"

He suddenly looked nervous. "Yeah...I was going to ask you just before I was stabbed...if you'd marry me..." he looked at me carefully. "Will ye do the honor of marrying me? It doesn't have to be tomorrow!" He added quickly. "I mean, we can plan it, maybe a few days, or-" I interrupted him by putting a finger to his lips.

"I accept your proposal." I said, smiling widely.

We kissed, never wanting to part ever again.


Introducing human Jones!

Introducing human Jones!

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