The Baby Kraken

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Marina's pov

A chill suddenly went down my spine and I shivered.

"Ye good?" Davy asked, chucking.

"Yes, just a cold chill." I replied.

We had both just gotten over a laughing fit about the joke Davy made about sea turtles and someone name Jack Sparrow, and the mood was a good one.

"I still don't get it, why use human hair as a rope?" I laughed again.

"No idea." He laughed again too.

We both stood there watching the sunset, with that feeling after a good rain and the grass is wet with dew. I glanced at the jar between us that had the baby kraken inside, which had already grown quite a bit since we got it yesterday. I had taken the liberty of naming it Wiggleton, because it wiggled and squirmed a lot.


"It's so cute!" I exclaimed waving my finger at the baby kraken.

"Just wait 'till ya see him when he's grown, he won't be so cute then." Davy said, with a slight chuckle.

"Can I name him?" I asked.

"What?" Davy asked in bewilderment.

"Can I name him?"

He sighed, "If ye must."

"Yay!" I thought for a moment, watching it squirm in the jar. "His name is Wiggleton." I said at last.

"...Wiggleton?" Davy asked, slightly amused.

"Yep, it's perfect." I said, sticking my hand in the jar and giving Wiggleton a piece of fish.

Davy chuckled. "Alright, Wiggleton it is."

***Back to present***

I opened the jar and let Wiggleton wrap his tentacle's around my finger, his suckers tickling my skin.

"He likes ya." Davy commented.

"Awww." I replied.

We stood there in another pleasant silence as I gave Wiggleton a clam. It was fascinating to watch him break it open and suck out it's juices.

"Do you wanna try feeding him?" I asked Davy, hold out a piece of fish.

He stood there a moment hesitating. "Why not?" He took the piece of fish and held it out to Wiggleton, who took it immediately.

"I think he likes you, too." I commented.

He glanced at me and smiled.

"Marina...there's something I want to give ya."

"Oh? What's that?" I inquired.

He reached into his pocket and got out a black hearted locket, and put it in my hand. It was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen, and I was deeply touched.

"Davy...this is beautiful." I said, putting it on.

He smiled, "it's a matching set." He pulled out one of his own.

I was speechless.

"I don't know what to a good way!" I added hastily.

He smiled and I suddenly noticed our faces were only inches apart. I could feel his warm breath against my lips, suddenly the gap closed as our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his hand wrap around my waste and his tentacles slowly caress my face. I never wanted this to end.


We both turned to find Maccus there, looking slightly embarrassed. I could feel myself go scarlet as we quickly pulled apart.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we got a ship heading in our direction."

Davy turned, "a pirate ship?" He asked, looking quiet flustered.

"Looks like it." Maccus replied.

"Sail towards it so I can get a closer look."

"Aye sir." Maccus left and I could hear him giving orders, and Davy turned to me.

"Marina, there's a secret compartment on the left side of me organ. I want ye to lock little Wiggleton in there until this blows over. Can ye do that?"

"Yes, I'm on it."

"Thank ye." He said. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but turned to join his crew.

I entered his cabin holding Wiggleton's jar and found the secret door. I opened it, revealing I small room which was just big enough for him.

"See you in a bit." I said, placing him inside. "Be good." I gave him a clam then went on deck, to find men on the port side looking at the ship we were approaching and I joined them.

"Is it a pirate ship?" I asked Davy who was looking at it with his spy glass and to my surprise, looked extremely furious.

"It's not just any pirate ship, it's the Black Pearl."

"The Pearl!? You mean the one captained by that Jack Sparrow guy?"

"Yep, and he looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see him." He handed me his spy glass so I could look.

Sure enough it was the Pearl, I could tell by those black sails. I looked on deck and saw several men scurrying about, clearly preparing for a fight. Near the helm I saw a man with long dreadlocks and a monkey on his shoulder, whom I recognized from the scenes Nyx showed me, except he looked older.

"Hey! It's the 'I gotta jar of dirt guy'!" I exclaimed, handing the spy glass back to Davy.

"How did you know about that?" Davy inquired.

"Nyx showed me, is he Jack?"

"Unfortunately yes." Davy was fuming.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"He's the man who killed me 20 years ago."

"Oh." I felt myself go pale, this Jack guy must be fearsome.

WOOOOOO!! CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW!!! AND THEY KISSED WOOOOOOOO!!! (It makes me wanna kiss my boyfriend irl. I miss him so stinkin' much aaahhhhh)



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