The Cursed Lullaby

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I awoke suddenly to that strange music, which was once again beautiful, and sad. I had to know where that was coming from so, I got up from my bunk and went to find the source. It ended up leading me to the captain's quarters. I stood there for a moment wondering whether or not I should enter.

It won't hurt to take a tiny peek. I thought to myself.

I carefully opened the door.

Inside was a long, dimly lit hallway. It was lit by candles in various areas and had some chests against the walls. There were huge coral tubes near the end, with steam coming out as each note played, and at the very end was the source. The captain was playing the biggest organ I've ever seen, using his beard instead of fingers.

I wonder how long it took him to learn to play like that. I thought randomly.

I approached carefully, taking each step with extreme caution. I've always wanted to learn the piano, unfortunately my family never had the money plus they were gone by the time I was 5.

Eventually I was right behind him, still unsure of what to say and watching each tentacle play each note perfectly. I was transfixed.

The song ended and he let out a long, sad sigh.

"That was beautiful."

He jumped and spun around, "What do you think yer doin' in here!?" He demanded.

"I was just wondering who was playing that!"

"Get out!" He backed me up against the wall and I hit my bad arm on a wooden beam. I grabbed it and made a small cry of pain.

The wound is getting worse. I thought to myself. Why didn't I put that cream on it?

I suddenly noticed Jones' expression, it was hard to read.

"What's up with yer arm?" He asked roughly.

"A bullet skimmed it a few days ago, I'm fine."

"Let me see it."

Unwillingly, I rolled up my sleeve and undid the bandage and gasped. It was swollen and very red, with a strange yellow liquid oozing out of it.

"Turns out I'm not fine." I corrected.

"Wait here." He said and walked towards a shelf with some bottles on it, grabbed one and a bandage, then came back.

"Hold out yer arm."

I obeyed.

He undid the the cork with his claw, then poured the contents on a piece of cloth.

"Hold still."

He gently took my arm with his claw and dabbed at the wound with his more human-like hand.

I was taken aback by his sudden act of kindness. I didn't know he had it in him....

"Sorry for coming in here uninvited." I apologized. "That music was beautiful, and I had to know where it was coming play very well."

He remained silent, bandaging my arm and was surprised how good he was one-handed.

"Thanks." He said at last. "Next time though, knock before ye enter."

"Alright." I chuckled. "I guess we're even now."

"I guess so."

Something's happening....



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