Battle of the Beasts

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The next four days had gone by in a blur. We started a routine where we slept during the day and at night we would set sail. I hadn't seen Wiggleton since the day we released him, and I kind of missed him, but I knew it was for the best.

I woke up to the feeling of someone gently shaking my shoulder.

"Come on lass, time to get up." I heard Davy's voice say.

"No." I mumbled. I was quite comfortable in my bed and did NOT wanna move.

"You need too."

"No." I rolled over and covered my face with the blanket.

I suddenly felt him lift me up.

"Whoa, what? Put me down!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"Not until yer fully awake." He gave me a look of humor and a bit of friendly mischief.

I shook my head, laughing. "Alright, alright, I'm awake!"

"You sure?"

"Yes!" I laughed again.

He chuckled. "Alright then." He put me down. I suddenly felt a slight pain in my chest and realized I still wanted him to hold me, I noticed he also probably still wanted to hold me because his face expression.

We went up on deck to find the sun setting and a thick fog rolling in.

"Sir, we're approaching the island, the water's a bit choppy near that rock formation, we think the beast is there." Maccus told Davy.

"Signal the Pearl and tell Jack to enter as quietly as possible, have the bell ready for when Wiggleton is needed."

"Yes sir." Maccus went off to give orders.

"Marina-" Davy started to say, but I interrupted.

"I'm not going to hide in your cabin, I know it's safe, but I feel like I should also take a risk like the rest of you. It would be fair." I said.

He sighed and looked at me for a few moments.

"...Be careful." He said, pulling me into a hug.

"I will." I replied, hugging him back.

We sailed closer to the disturbance in the water, I noticed some of the men were pacing nervously. It definitely looked like something was down there.

We sailed closer, and closer, until we were directly over it, I realized the disturbance wasn't waves, but giant bubbles rising to the surface.

"Shouldn't it be attacking us by now?"

"Aye, I'm not sure what's going on." Davy responded.

We sailed past the giant bubbles and were now heading towards the island, when the bubbles suddenly stopped.

"Uh, Davy..." I tugged his sleeve and pointed. "The bubbles stopped."

He looked and froze.

"Everyone on high alert!" He shouted. "The beast could appear at any moment!"

Everyone immediately grabbed a rifle and went their stations, preparing the inevitable.

I grabbed a rifle of my own and ran to the port side to signal the Pearl.

"Hey!" I shouted. "The bubbles stopped, be ready for anything!"

Jack nodded in reply and gave a signal to the crew.

All we could do was wait.

10 seconds...20 minute....

"Nothings happening." I said.

Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Red Emerald (UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now