The Son of Lord Beckett

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3rd person pov

"Sir we got some news."

"Does it have anything to do with her?"

"Actually, this time it does."

Maximus stood up abruptly at the reply. He was a short man, only about 5',3" His eyes were a cold blue, and menacing. He had also had a small button nose and a thin mouth. In other words, he was the spitting image of his father, Cutler Beckett.

"Go one, tell me." He said.

"A merchant ship recently came into the harbor claiming that they'd been attacked by the Flying Dutchman-" but he was interrupted by Maximus.

"The what?"

"The Flying Dutchman." His companion repeated slowly.

The young man's face contorted with hate.

"Something wrong sir?"

"That was one of the two ships that was involved with the murder my father." Beckett said, his fists clenching as he tried to control his anger.

"Ah..." his companion looked uncomfortable.

"Go on! Tell me the rest!" Maximus demanded.

"Well, they claimed that it was the Flying Dutchman because of its seaweed sails and its captain, who they said looked like a squid."

Maximus stopped. "So he's back..." he muttered.

"Who is sir?"

"Davy Jones."

This time it was his assistant that did a double take. "What? I thought he was just an old sailor myth."

"Oh no, he's real. At one point my father had control over him, until he died in the Battle of Maelstrom to Jack Sparrow."

"Jack Sparrow?"

"Yes, Jack Sparrow. Have you been living under rock?"

His assistant sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Apparently, sir."

"That explains it." Said Maximus, a sneer of annoyance on his face. "Continue with the sailor's story."

"Well instead of killing everybody, they said Jones asked for the whereabouts of a black chest. But the captain noticed a woman among them and then on closer inspection he realized she looked exactly like the one we're looking for."

"Did they say where they were going."

"Yes sir, about a week south of here."

Maximus paused thoughtfully, forming a plan in his crafty mind.

"Ready the Pursuer, first thing tomorrow we set sail south."

"Yes sir." The assistant left, leaving Maximus alone in his room.

Maximus opened a drawer and got out a portrait of him and Marina.

"You will be mine again soon, whether you like it or not."

I hate this guy. I did my best to make him like his father and I think I did it too well xd.

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