The Man Behind the Monster

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I laid there sobbing for who knows how long, still not believing what I had just witnessed.

'How can anyone do something like that!?' I thought.

'I wish I just said no, I wish I was back home away from this mess, I wish...' My brain just melted like it usually does during a good cry.

I was just thinking about sneaking off the ship, when I heard it. The thumping of Jones' crab leg told me that he was coming downstairs, and boy, I was gonna give him a piece of my mind.

I could feel his presence but I tried to ignore it as I tried to stifle each sob, but to no avail.

"W-what was that for?" I asked harshly, Looking him square in the eye.

"Why did you take down that ship, a- and killed all those men!? Why!?"

He continued to look at me not saying anything, completely still his eyes full of-...what?

"You wouldn't understand." He said.

"Understand what?" I got up facing him, wanting an answer of some kind. "Answer me."


"Answer me!"

"I HAD TOO!" He shouted, catching me off guard and making me back up, and I suddenly noticed that...he looked like he was on the verge of tears himself....I could feel my heart go out to him.

Curse my empathy. I thought.

"...why did you have to?" I asked surprised at how gentle I sounded, he seemed surprised too.

"I..." he began. I came closer wanting to hear every word, gazing into his eyes that held so much pain and sadness.

"...Long ago I was cursed. I was chosen to ferry those who die at sea to the next world by the goddess, C-Calypso." He stuttered at her name.

I nodded encouraging him to go on.

"Because of this I could only step on land once ever ten years and..." He swallowed " with the woman I thought I loved once every ten years."

My eyes widened. 'He was once in love too?'

"But when my ten years were up and I could go on land...she was nowhere to be found."

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"Because of that, quit doing my job and," He held up his claw arm. "This happened."

Without thinking I took his more normal hand.

"Who were you in love with?" I asked carefully.

"...Calypso herself." He answered quietly

I raised my eyebrows, 'that explains a lot.' I thought.

"But...why do you have to take down every ship you see?"

"When she betrayed me...I carved out my heart."

I gasped.  "What?"

He nodded. "But several decades after that, I was killed in what was called, The Battle of Maelstrom."

I was confused. " did you come back?"

"Several months ago Neptune's trident was broken, releasing every curse at sea including, the captain of the Dutchman after me."

"Which was?"

"I believe it was a man named William Turner, but the Dutchman needs a living heart but with Turner freed and no one to captain it..." He gestured to himself. "I was somehow brought back."

I nodded, urging him to go on.

"But shortly after I was brought back, a ship attacked us and stole the chest that held me heart...along with the key." He finished. Slamming the wall with his crab arm.

" you constantly fear for your life?" I asked.

He was silent.

"I'm so sorry." I said coming closer, I was beginning to see the man behind the monster. "So that's why you take down every ship you see, in case it-"

"Has me me heart." He finished.

"But why kill innocent men?"

"...I don't know."

"I know the past can hurt." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Believe me I know, but you can't take it out on innocent will only make you feel worse."

"Then what do I do?"

"Well maybe instead, just search the ship?." I asked, with a hint of friendly sarcasm.

"But how do I know whether they really have it or not?"

"Ask the captain, you can get anything out of anyone with how famous you are."

"True..." he said quietly. "I'll think about it."

I smiled at him, which I never thought I would do.

"Thank you." I said.

"No, thank you."

Alright, I did my best to edit this chapter but I still think it's cringey. Let me know what you guys think and your suggestions on how I can make it better lol

Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Red Emerald (UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now