The Past

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I laid there blinking for a second, and got up slowly, trying to process what in the world just happened. I scanned my surroundings, trying to find anyone. I was on the side of a small island with a thick jungle in the center, and I could vaguely see something in front of looked like a washed up body. I immediately ran forward and upon closer inspection it looked like the body of a young man, who was breathing to my relief.

He looked somewhere in his late 20's or early 30's, and quite handsome. He had thick brown hair that draped down to his shoulders, the start of a beard on his chin, and high cheekbones. His clothes didn't consist of much, just an old shirt and some torn trousers, but still...there was something familiar that I couldn't place. I reached out to brush a stray lock of hair out of his face, when I jumped back in shock. My hand had a glowing green aura around it, so did my was all over me!

"What in the name of Mike is going on!?" I said aloud.

I heard footsteps and spun around to find a woman walking towards us. She had chocolate brown skin with dark hair in dreadlocks, a pretty face with large brown eyes, and black dots on her cheeks and chin. She clearly didn't see me because she walked past me without a glance, and went over to the sleeping man. She stroked his face and muttered something I couldn't understand, then the scene changed.

I was suddenly in the room of a small hut. There wasn't much in there, just a bed and some boxes. I suddenly noticed that in the bed was that same man from earlier. I went over for a closer look, and he suddenly woke up. His eyes were a piercing blue, and I realized who this was.

"Davy..." I whispered.

He sat up with a grunt, not seeing me and looked around.

"Your finally awake." Said a voice in the corner.

We both turned and saw that same woman from earlier, who I guessed rescued him. I saw Davy's eyes widen and couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy at the look he gave her.

"W-where am I? Who are you?" He asked her.

"I am Calypso, the sea goddess. And you are on my island." She said, in a thick Jamaican accent.

" did I get her." He asked, perplexed.

"You washed up on my beach, and I saved your life." She replied.

"Oh..." he was silent for a moment, "thank you." He said at last.

"My pleasure." She said with a warm smile.

The scene changed and I was back in Nyx's hut, but this time she looked much younger. I guessed somewhere in her mid-20's.

"You would like to purchase these?" She asked, holding up two lockets.

"Yes please." Davy replied.

"Very well then." She counted her fingers, muttering.

"How much?" He asked.

"200 pounds." She said after a small pause.

He paid and she gave him the lockets.

"So...who's the girlfriend?" She asked with a smile.

He paused for a moment, "The sea goddess, Calypso." He replied, a smile on his lips.

"Awww how precious!" She said smiling.

I smiled to myself, she was a shipper even in her 20's.

"I remember when my husband used to give me jewelry before he died, he was a great man." She said wistfully.

"At least his memory still lives." He said kindly.

The scene changed. This time I was on that same beach I appeared on but this time, I wasn't alone.

Calypso and Davy were there, holding hands and wearing the lockets he bought earlier. It looked like they were saying goodbye. There was also a large ship nearby that I recognized as the Dutchman.

"-do not fail the duty I have charged you with, you know the consequences." I heard Calypso tell him.

"I won't m'lady." He responded. "I'd give up me heart for you."

They embraced.

"See you in ten years." She whispered.

"Keep a weather eye on the horizon." He whispered back.

The scene changed, this time I was on a different beach. It was larger, and I could vaguely make out some sort of building in the middle of a thick jungle. I looked around and saw Davy standing near the water looking like he was waiting for something, or someone, and I walked over to him. He looked older, the start of a beard I saw earlier was now a full beard, and his clothes and hat had some barnacles here and there, but his face showed pure joy. Then suddenly time skipped and it was sundown, and the joy was replaced with worry and slight betrayal. The sun was almost down and the closer it got, the more his expression darkened. The sun was getting dangerously close. At last, he stepped into a dingy, right as the sun touched the horizon, and he let out a heart-wrenching scream.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" he yelled.

"TEN YEARS I DID THE DUTY YOU CHARGED ME, AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME!?" Tears were streaming down his face, and I noticed my cheeks were wet as well.


The scene changed, and this time I was on the Dutchman, in Davy's cabin.

He was standing in front of a table that had the black chest on it. It was open, and he was holding a knife. I knew what was coming.

"Davy don't!" I shouted. He couldn't hear me, but I didn't care I kept shouting for him not to do it, but to no avail.

He took a deep shaking breath, looked at the knife, and pulled down his shirt.

"NO!" I screamed.

He stabbed himself in the chest, letting out a painful scream, and fell to the floor, blood dripping everywhere. He was heaving with the pain, but continued to slice open his chest. I was shaking like crazy now, not believing what I was witnessing. I heard the sound of a blade cutting flesh, and I heard another painful scream. At last, he pulled himself up on the table and dropped something into the chest. Blood was everywhere, his hands, his face, and the floor. He sat there panting for a moment, then fainted. I rushed over to him, and saw the gaping hole in his chest. I was beginning to feel faint myself. I then heard the faint sound of a heartbeat and peered into the chest to find his heart beating steadily.

The scene changed, and I was back in Nyx's cabin. She was looking at me sadly.

"I'm sorry you saw that my dear." She said.

"But now, you should be able to help him overcome the wounds it gave him."

I sat there at a lost for words, unable to get that image out of my head.

Hope y'all enjoyed the gore 😬

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