The Giant Crab

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I woke up with a headache. I had slept on nothing but solid wood and my hat for a pillow, which was quite uncomfortable. I brushed my hair with my fingers and braided it for the day. I was quite thankful that Jones stepped in the day before and only let me have 2 lashes even if it was a warning, I should probably thank him.

I got up carefully, and went upstairs to find the sun shining and everyone going about their business, I looked around for Jones and saw him near the helm staring at the water. I made my over to him climbing up the stairs and stood beside him.

"'Morning," I said.

He nodded in reply.

"I want to thank you for yesterday, for only allowing two lashes."

"Well yer a woman, and yer new. Didn't think it'd be wise to be hard on ye just yet, but take that warning. I won't be as forgiving next time." He threatened.

"Yes sir." I said quietly. My stomach growled just then, which embarrassed me.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"I'm famished,"

"...I left some apples by yer cell, look for a brown sack."

"Oh, thank you." I said truly greatful.

"One more thing." He handed me a small vile with some kind of cream inside. "To help with the lashes."

I smiled. "Thank you."

I ran down to the brig and into my cell. Sure enough, there was a brown sack. I opened it and inside were several ripe apples. I bit into one, which was delicious. 'Maybe it's not so bad here.' I thought to myself as I ate. After eating two, I went to apply the cream Jones gave me.

I carefully took off my shirt and opened the jar, it smelled sweet. I carefully rubbed it into the wounds and they immediately felt better.

I went to put my shirt back on, but froze seeing the large holes in it.

How much of my back did they see? I thought frantically.

"Ye almost done lass? You've been down here a-"

I screamed, immediately covering myself while Jones quickly shielded his eyes and left.

I didn't even hear him walk down here! Unless he used the walls.

I pulled my shirt and vest on in record timing, then ran upstairs. I needed to have a talk with a certain someone about knocking.

I saw that someone near the helm, clearly avoiding my gaze.

I went and stood next to him.

"So...are we going to talk about what just happened?" I asked, crossing my arms

"I would prefer not to." He replied. Was he flustered? "If it makes ye feel any better I didn't see anything I shouldn't have and...I apologize for that."

"Relax." I said. "No hard feelings, but please knock next time."

He seem to relax. "Alright."

Suddenly, the ship lurched forward.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"Did we hit a reef?"

We both stared at the water trying to see a sign of anything.

"Hard to starboard! That's no reef!" He said suddenly.

"What is it?" One of the men asked.

"A giant crab."

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed "I've only ever heard those in stories, that thing is real!?"

"Oh, it's a real as me standin' right in front of you!"

I immediately went to help the men with the sales, trying to get as far away from the crab as possible when suddenly, it emerged.

"Oh crap," I whispered.

That thing was massive, almost as big as the ship. It had a reddish shell that went to a greenish color towards the top. It's eyes were black and menacing, and to top it all off two large, powerful claws and that thing did NOT look happy.

"Load the cannons!" Jones shouted.

I climbed down and helped load one and waited for the signal to fire. That thing was staring at would be a good time! It was coming about now? It raised its claw to strike the ship...if I didn't hear the signal in five seconds I would fire on my own. At last I heard the words.


OOOooooOOooooOOOoooo cliffhanger :D



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