The Chest

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I woke up with sunlight coming through the window I stretched, yawning and continued to lay there, not wanting to get up. I suddenly noticed how comfortable my bunk was.

'Wait, what? Comfortable!?' My eyes shot open, my wooden bunk was never this soft. I looked to find a large pillow underneath me, about the size of the bunk, and was very soft and squishy. 'Did he do this?' I wondered. If so, I would have to thank him.

I exited his cabin to find a clear sky and everyone at work, each doing his own task. I looked for Davy and saw him near the helm, and approached him.

"Good morning." I said, standing next to him.

" g'morning." He replied, giving me a slight smile, and making me blush.

"Did you put that pillow under me last night?" I inquired.

"Oh...yeah I just thought ye might wanna lay of somethin' softer." He replied.

"Thank you." I said, truly grateful.

"Anytime." He replied with a smile. I felt myself go red again.

Suddenly I heard someone shout, "Ship off the starboard side!"

Me and Davy hurried over, and saw the ship in the distance. I saw his eyes harden and I suddenly remembered the last ship we took down.

"Davy...remember what I said after the last ship we took down?" I said gently taking his arm, "please remember."

I saw his eyes immediately soften, " I remember, don't worry." He said gently, then he gave the order.

"Prepare to board! Make sure you interrogate every member of their crew!"

I heard several 'yes sirs' and I got to work, helping them.

A few moments later we were their ship and had the entire crew lined up, questioning them.

"Have ye seen a black chest at all during yer travels?" Davy asked the captain.

"No s-sir," The captain replied. "I don't even know what it l-looks like."

"It's a black chest with tentacle designs, and has a heart on the lock. Have ye seen it?" He demanded, looking the captain dead in the eye.

"N-no sir!"

Davy grunted then walked away, and I noticed how stressed he looked. I went over to comfort him, when I noticed the captain's expression. I didn't know how to place it, but it definitely looked like he was hiding something.

"Um, sir!" I called to Davy, and he looked at me.

"Ya might wanna ask em' one more time, it looks like he's hiding somethin'." I said, in the best pirate accent I could muster.

Davy walked over to him, and grabbed him by the neck with his claw.

"I'm gonna give ye one more chance, have ye seen a black chest in these waters or, been in possession of one?"

Sure enough, the captain didn't respond. Davy squeezed his neck tighter.

"Have ye?!" He demanded.

At last the man managed to croak out, "A f-few weeks ago I was in po-possession of one b-but I sold it."

"To who!?" Davy demanded.

"Some w-witch lady."

"What be her name?" He asked.


Jones stiffened.

"Where is she?"

"On an island a d-days south of h-here." The man managed to say, before passing out.


Back on the Dutchman, we immediately set sail to the south. The sun was setting so we should get there by nightfall tomorrow. I noticed how stressed Davy looked, by the way he kept pacing back and forth, and I decided to check on him.

"You ok?" I asked, coming up to him.

He sighed, "Yeah, even though some lady has me heart and I could be killed any second, I'm doing great!" He said sarcastically.

I gently rubbed his shoulder, trying to comfort him, and I could feel him trembling. I had never seen him like this. We stood there for a moment in silence.

"I'm terrified." He whispered, at last.

"Everything's going to be ok." I whispered back.

We stood there in silence again.

"Could you teach me how to play the organ?" I asked.

He looked at me.


"Could you teach me to play the organ? I've always wanted to learn, and also...I think we both need a distraction."

He sighed.

"why not." He gave me a slight smile. "Follow me."

Wow this took forever. It's getting harder and harder xd. I can't wait for the next chapter!

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