Chapter 𝟮

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The pain in Donghyuck's head woke him up. He knew he did too many shots last night. Sitting up and grabbing his head, he realized he was still in his senior's car, in a freaking half-empty bar parking lot. And if that wasn't shocking, well, the fact that the older guy laid on the floor was even more startling. He was his senior, and Donghyuck was using him as a doormat! He had his feet on the guy's back.

Panicking, the younger lifted his legs, noticing right away that he didn't even have his pants on. Neither did Mark. So, now Donghyuck was terrified to see even more. Looking for both of their pants, the boy found underwear and wore it only to realize it wasn't his. Shit. He tossed those on Mark and looked for his. By the time he found his boxers, the senior started waking up too.

He frowned a few times, then, upon hearing someone moving, and that was Donghyuck since he didn't want to sit there butt naked, Mark shot his eyes wide open and looked up. He was about to say something, but the words got stuck in his throat as he looked at the younger up and down. A frown made its way to Mark's face, but it was hard to understand what he was thinking.

"Uh," Donghyuck started awkwardly. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Mark replied like a programmed robot, seemingly always answering people automatically, and that was the moment he got his voice back. "Dude, who are you, and why am I naked?"

"Oh, as expected," Donghyuck scoffed. "I'm Donghyuck, Mark hyung."

Just by hearing his name and "hyung", Donghyuck made sure to add, the senior must've learned that not only had they exchanged names, but they also had an age gap which, of course, made Donghyuck his underclassman.

Mark's face flushed, and, slightly covering it, he began rapping an award-worthy combination of excuses and apologies. YouTubers should learn from him.

"I don't exactly what happened last night, but I didn't mean it... I must've gotten carried away. I'm not usually like this. I barely drink too. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in some way. I'm weird when I'm drunk, and I do even weirder things and make even weirder decisions—"

"Don't worry," Donghyuck cut in as he was sure that if Mark continued it any longer, he would suffocate. "It was fine. I got used to it."

"Well," Mark laughed awkwardly. "At least one of us got to enjoy it."

"What?" Donghyuck chuckled. "What do you mean? Both of us enjoyed it. Hyung moaned a lot."

"W-what do you mean by that?" Mark visibly shivered. "Was I the bottom one?"

Noticing that he was butt naked, Mark quickly grabbed his underwear and covered his private parts. Well, if only he knew that there was nothing new on him that Donghyuck didn't see last night.

"No, I was," the younger replied. "But we had a duet by moaning at the same time."

"Ahhh, I don't remember!" Mark whined, grabbing his head and ruffling his hair as if that would make him recall at least a tiny bit of memories. He then stopped and looked up at Donghyuck in great embarrassment. "I don't know how to tell you this, but... I'm not like you. I-I mean, I don't know what I did or said last night, but I'm not a man lover."

"You mean you're not gay," Donghyuck rephrased, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah," Mark forced a smile.

"That's... weird."

Especially when Mark said so many confident things about ramming his dick into Donghyuck's ass. This made the younger burst into laughter, which had to end when he saw Mark's confusion.

"That's so weird!" he said, getting serious. "I mean—"

"I told you I make weird decisions. I don't even know how that happened and why..."

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