Chapter 𝟰𝟭

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Donghyuck woke up earlier than needed—4 AM instead of 7 AM. He looked around the dim room, feeling no presence of Mark and instantly getting upset. Since he didn't have any will to sleep more, he got up and roamed around the rooms, checking where the older could be. There was no sight of him in the living room and the kitchen, so taking one last guess, the younger headed to the office room. There, he found Mark sitting on a chair and using the hard surface of his desk as a pillow. The sight concerned Donghyuck, and he would've done something, but he didn't want to bother the older after recalling how they separated their ways last night.

Instead, Donghyuck focused more on his problems and took a shower, then wore Mark's robe he found in the living room. He settled into the kitchen where he made breakfast with love, hoping the smell would bring Mark and they'd start everything on the new page.

The older didn't joke when he said he could sleep through his home invasion as he didn't hear all the sounds in the kitchen, though the smell of homemade food woke him up, and he left the office room just when Donghyuck started serving the table.

"Good morning," he smiled brightly, his eyes glittering as he locked them on the man, he now knew he loved deeply.

"Yeah," Mark replied moodily. "What do you usually wear at work? I can lend you some clothes."

"A simple T-shirt and pants... I'm not up for a fashion show, and since it's hot, something light would be okay..."

Mark disappeared to look for such clothing, leaving Donghyuck disappointed. Well, what could he even expect? Not only was it the morning, but they also were cold after last night's conversation. Still, Donghyuck regained his positivity and waited for Mark's return, so they could have breakfast together. That happened after twenty minutes when Mark finally found something he thought would fit Donghyuck. The younger noticed right away that those clothes needed ironing, but left it for later, politely asking Mark to sit down and have breakfast with him.

Donghyuck impatiently waited for the older to say something about his food. His heart fluttered at the thought that Mark would eat his food again, but that didn't happen. The older said it was too early for him to eat and he would do it later.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Donghyuck asked carefully.

"I'm fine. Like always," Mark replied but too hazily.

He rested his chin on his palm and looked out the window.

"Well, I have something to tell you. Yesterday, you didn't let me finish," Donghyuck's face flushed as he said it. "Actually, I realized—"

"Yeah, I also have to tell you something," Mark cut him off rather rudely. "I thought a lot about what I told you yesterday, and I realized that it was completely nonsense."

"That's what I wanted to talk about too," Donghyuck smiled, but Mark went on.

"When I fall in love, I can't move on that easily. And since we'll have a child, I can't go further from you," the older said, his eyes remaining on the window and the morning sky.

"Yes," Donghyuck nodded, his breath hitched.

"That's why I started thinking about your brother. Is Dongwoo in a relationship?"

Donghyuck was petrified. His eyes widened, and then he dropped the spoon.

"What did you just say?" he asked in disbelief. "You're joking."

Mark shifted his eyes to him. His face was expressionless.

"If I can't have you, I may have your brother. He looks like you, but more... empathetic. I saw him blushing when he looked at me. He's not really apathetic when it comes to me."

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