Chapter 𝟰𝟱

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It was the beginning of the week, so massive changes weren't expected. However, Donghyuck started noticing many things missing at Mark's place, especially those that he needed. Just this morning, Donghyuck learned his boyfriend didn't have a hairdryer. He had so many questions—how was this even possible—but as he was in a rush, he forgot to question Mark.

The issue didn't solve itself. When he returned from work, he was exceptionally tired and went to rest in the bedroom. He couldn't. He heard noise from the outside, and as if it wasn't enough, the sounds of Dongchan gaming kept bothering him, too. When he looked for love and wanted to hug or kiss Mark, he felt shy because Dongchan was always around. Actually, their son was a little follower. He followed Mark everywhere. So, when Donghyuck took his boyfriend to his office, where he wanted them to be alone, the kid followed the two and ruined the moment.

It wasn't hard for Donghyuck to conclude. There was no privacy at Mark's place. It was too small for the four of them. Including the cat! It meant it was time for him and Dongchan to return home. Haewon hadn't been around the apartment for two days already, so it was safe and made Donghyuck miss his home more.

So, during the dinner, he proposed an offer to Mark.

"Move in and live with us."

Donghyuck expected his boyfriend to reply with, "I have to think." But it seemed Mark was waiting for it. Maybe because the younger once asked this before but not at the right time. That day was the right time, though. Mark agreed with his boyfriend with a single nod, and the next day, he was already moving in as Donghyuck was stressing out at work.


Everything around the house looked like usual except Mark in indoor clothes, his stuff around the place, and every corner smelling like him. Just because of these factors, it kicked in Donghyuck's brain the man he loved wasn't there just for a few hour tutoring sessions. He wasn't there to rearrange Donghyuck's guts either. He was there to live.

Still, the mood around the apartment was no different than from those two times Mark usually came over. Dongchan and Donghyuck were very happy, both in their own way, that the daddy was there with them. Nyx was in a better mood, too. She liked home way better than Mark's place because she had claimed every single corner here.

The difference stood out later in the evening. Donghyuck came to say his son goodnight but paused by the half-open door when he heard Mark's voice. Secretly peeking inside, he caught the daddy reading a book for Dongchan to sleep. The kid was delighted. He smiled as he listened to the story, his eyes admiring Mark and how he pronounced every word. Donghyuck's heart melted by the sight. He felt relieved that when he didn't have much time to spend with his son, Mark was there for him, and instead of wishing goodnight, the daddy read a fairytale for the child.

He stood there until Mark read the last word and turned around, suddenly feeling the other's presence. He smiled as he stood up and approached the door, opening it as quietly as possible. He got out, closed the door, and then captured Donghyuck in his arms.

"I didn't get to wish him goodnight, but it seems that the fairytale was way better than Papa's words," Donghyuck mumbled into Mark's shoulder.

"Oh, sorry..." the older realized his mistake. "Let me know beforehand. I thought... What the hell am I even saying?"

"Don't mind it. I bet Dongchan liked the change in his routine."

"I don't want to ruin your routine," Mark mumbled, still feeling like he interfered.

As if apologizing for his actions, the older kissed Donghyuck's neck. The latter melted once again, but this time instead of feeling soft, the younger felt like his body was set on fire just by a single touch of his boyfriend's lips. It heated his blood even more when Mark traced his lips to his shoulder, his arms falling down to Donghyuck's waist.

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