Chapter 𝟲

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It was freaking Monday, the first day of the week, and Donghyuck could never have guessed how fast things could go downhill.

The hours at work were perfect—Donghyuck was still stuck in monotony and wasn't disturbed by it. While calmly listening to music, he finished filing the pricing table and sent it to the coworker to do the rest. Then taking a last sip of his coffee, he stood up and told the others he'd go and pick up Dongchan.

As he was on the busy road, swearing and honking at other cars, he got a few calls from work, from all the different people. He didn't even have their numbers saved. So, when he got one decisive call, he thought it could be one of his coworkers again, so he answered with the usual, "Hello, it's Lee Donghyuck from Floor C. With who am I speaking?"

"Uh, yes, hello... It's Teacher Lee who's calling you," Mark's voice came from the other line.

Shit. That was awkward. Not only the fact that the teacher contacted him was a weird thing alone, but it was also about how Donghyuck didn't even have his number saved. He could guess Mark was judging him from the other line—what a responsible parent!

"Yes?" Donghyuck forced a response, realizing he was silent for too long.

"Would you have a minute to come by and talk with me? I want to discuss how Dongchan is doing in my class."

"Yeah, sure... I'll be here in... seven minutes."

"I'll wait."

The call ended, but the effect Mark cast on him didn't. The traffic didn't seem such a problem anymore. Actually, Donghyuck would've loved to be stuck in the traffic a little longer, so he wouldn't have to meet Mark. But things didn't go as he wanted. The traffic suddenly stopped, cars went separate ways, and Donghyuck reached the school faster than anticipated.

His heart raced as he left his car and approached the building. He wasn't that nervous about what Mark wanted to say as much as he was anxious to meet the man eye to eye. He felt like seeing each other more often would make Mark remember him. If he hadn't already...

Taking a deep breath, Donghyuck climbed the stairs and looked around to find the faculty room. Instead, his eyes landed on his dad in the middle of the hallway, holding Dongchan's hand and... speaking with Mark!


"Dad, what are you doing here?" Donghyuck ran toward the old man. "You didn't tell me you'll go and pick him up."

Dad faced Donghyuck with a subtle smile that barely had any meaning. But his eyes... Just by looking at his eyes, Donghyuck could tell that his dad was in an arrogant mode and freaking knew what he was doing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My phone's dead, I couldn't call you, so I thought I would wait for you here," he said, obviously lying. "So, I'm glad Channie introduced me to his homeroom teacher."

He knew who the hell was Mark. His eyes told Donghyuck more than those words he just said. He knew he was the one who fooled around with his son eight years ago and gifted the family with the cute kid.

That made Papa mad. Just why did he tell Dongwoo this whole thing? Dongwoo snitched! There was no way Donghyuck's dad just came in here, asked to meet the homeroom teacher out of the blue, and noticed their similarities.

"Well, now that you saw him..." Donghyuck glared, faking a smile.

"He's a very fine man!" Dad said, glancing at Donghyuck, then smiling at Mark.

"Ah, thank you," Mark chuckled, slightly blushing as if he weren't used to hearing compliments. "Anyway... I think we can go to the faculty room and discuss things, eh?"

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