Yungi - The immortal

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Storyline: Mingi is an immortal from ancient Korean times who is being hunted by the king's soldiers. Yunho, on the other hand, is a pickpocket keen on Mingi's bounty. But what happens when the two team up and Yunho protects Mingi instead of chasing the finder's reward?

TW: Mention of death, poison, bloody fight, a little gore

Words: 5413

Author: Rony

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Silently, Yunho sat on his stolen horse and galloped toward Busan. His destination was an old temple.

Dusk soon fell, but they were soon there. However, the clouds above them didn't look peaceful. Would he make it in time before the rain started?

A sudden gentle warmth around Yunho's waist snapped him out of his thoughts. Worried, he quickly looked back at Mingi, who was sitting behind him. He was clinging to him weakly at that moment, his head leaning wearily against Yunho's shoulder and his eyes slightly closed in exhaustion.

In Yunho's mind surfaced the Prophet's proclamation in Seoul, which had taken place barely a month ago.

"The Immortal has recently been sighted. Find the man and bring him to the royal palace immediately. A large sum of gold awaits you there as a reward," Yunho heard the voice of the man on the wooden box in his ears. Around him, dozens of other people listened just as intently.

The name of the man they were looking for is Song Mingi. An immortal whose blood possesses an extraordinary healing power that can make others immortal as well.

The soldiers must kill the immortal for the king's benefit so that they can use his blood to give him eternal life. In this way, the king can protect and rule the land forever.

Just as the prophets were told by God.

However, this phenomenon is possible only every 100 years at midnight. Only then can the immortal be killed, and the blood misused for others.

In such a case, the bounty had to be high, Yunho thought at that moment. He could already hear the gold jingling between his fingers and imagined a fabulously rich future.

At this point, he confidently took in every word the preacher said, analyzing the immortal's drawing as if his life were at stake. He would give anything to find this man.

The temptation sounded appealing, and for the man who looked like a golden retriever, it was a no-brainer. After all, he was an extremely good pickpocket, could track people down, had good fighting skills, and had his fingers in the illegal dirt many times.

Then everything should go well... right?

But on the contrary, nothing went like clockwork.

The immortal was harder to find than he thought. He just accidentally met the dark-brown-haired Song Minig. The latter was fleeing from some soldiers of the royal fortress and ran into Yunho at full speed.

He remembered well that Mingi's eyes and his beautiful light blue and white hanbok caught his attention.

Mingi looked very different from the drawings. He was much prettier and looked young. He was about the same height and had cat-like eyes, full pink lips, and a pointed nose shaped by Aphrodite.

When they collided, the immortal politely excused himself and continued to escape. But Yunho seized the opportunity, grabbed the immortal by the wrist, and pulled him into one of the alleys, away from the crowd.

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