Jeongsung - Drunk late-night call

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Storyline: What would happen if Jeongin's ex-boyfriend called him drunk in the middle of the night?

TW: None

Words: 4255

Author: Rony

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Pov. Yang Jeongin*

A soft, vibrating noise woke me from up my deep sleep. Waves of tiredness ran through me while my mind was half in the dream world and half in reality.

The dream I had just had was beautiful. The risk of not returning now was a no-go, so I sleepily rolled over onto my stomach to find a comfortable position.

I pulled the blanket a little higher instead of worrying about the disturbing noise.

Was it already morning? I hadn't slept that long, had I?

Suddenly, reality caught up with me and I realized that the disturbing noise was coming from my phone on the bedside table.

Still a little lost, I sat up and ran my hand through my black-blonde curls, exhausted.

Sighing, I searched blindly for the phone, picked it up and opened my eyes slightly to see what was wrong. There was a button to swipe across with a contact name on top.

Was someone calling me? Wasn't it still the middle of the night?

My vision was blurry, I could vaguely recognize the caller's name.

Nevertheless, I quickly took the call, put it on speakerphone and lay down on my back again. "Hm?" I asked, the cell phone loosely in my hand.

"Innie..." came quietly from the receiver, which made me frown in confusion. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked irritably and yawned loudly.


The voice sounded familiar. It was longing with a hint of regret. The name was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't remember it due to my tiredness.

There was muffled disco music on the other end of the receiver, people singing and some side conversations.

What time was it actually?

As I still didn't get an answer, I looked at the bright screen and read off the time with slightly narrowed eyes.

Three o'clock at night...

Then I looked at the name of the contact.

Quokka 🐿️

Damn... It was my ex boyfriend Han Jisung.

He had suddenly broken up with me three months ago, even though our relationship seemed to be at its peak. He said he couldn't give me back 100% of the love I kept giving him. What's more, our ideas of a relationship supposedly didn't fit together because we both had different interests and views. And so that was the end of us and I haven't spoken to him since, let alone seen him.

I groaned angrily and put my arm over my eyes. My stomach tightened convulsively, it burned as if someone had lit a match in it.

Why had he called me?

"What do you want from me?" I asked irritably, toying with the idea of hanging up. I could feel my heart thumping nervously against my chest, the thought of Jisung made me angry.

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