Minsung - Hollow or full of cats

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Storyline: Lee Minho's best friend Han Jisung is an absolute heartthrob at college. He is regularly asked by different people if they would like to go out with him. However, he turns them all down. But why?

TW: None

Words: 3327

Author: Rony

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Pov. Lee Minho*

"I already apologize for the interruption and for making you miss the bus because of me... But there's something I need to tell you and I can't keep it to myself any longer. I like you. I like you a lot and was wondering if you... Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Conversations like this were part of my best friend's everyday life. Even though he was totally crazy, loud, and clumsy, everyone was completely into him.

But Jisung kept rejecting them. Each time with the same banal excuse.

"Noona, uhm... I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I hardly have time for a relationship because of college and tilt sports," Jisung apologized, laughing sheepishly. I could already see him in my mind's eye scratching the back of his head as the expression changes sympathetically.

Amused, I shook my head. This guy was just unbelievable!

Why did he always reject everyone? Even if they were his perfect match, beautiful or intelligent.

Some even gave him little things like flowers, his favorite cheesecake, or homemade kimbap.

A favorite gift was also the heart-shaped chocolate, which he even received this morning. As usual, he handed it to me. Jisung couldn't bring himself to eat it because otherwise, he would feel guilty.

Each individual always mustered all their courage, but nothing seemed to satisfy him, and by now I even had the feeling that he was asexual.

I couldn't explain his behavior any other way.

Unfortunately, I was also one of the candidates who had fallen head over heels in love with him. But I would never confess my love to him.


Only over my dead body.

The fact that he dumped everyone already horrified me a lot. Likewise, he was my best friend, and I couldn't put this friendship on the line because of my feelings.

Every time someone wanted to steal Jisung away for a moment, he insisted that I wait for him.

And why?

In the morning, the reason was that he didn't want to be by himself. Not that someone wanted to put a curse on him or even worse.

In the evening like now, it was often, "I can't ride the bus alone and need an adult. Otherwise, I won't find my way home!"

Now I was sitting next to the door outside the music room, playing Neko Atsume on my phone, while the heartbreaker was completely in his element.

In the music room, their voices could only be heard muffled because the door was closed.

But apparently, they were standing nearby at the exit, so I felt compelled to listen in on their conversation with one ear.

I had no other choice, ok!

Besides, I tended to get very jealous when it came to Jisung.

Since I always had to be present during his heartbreaking actions, I had purposely gotten the Neko Atsume app. With it, I hoped to distract myself, but to no avail. My curiosity and fear were stronger.

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