Woosan - Nothing has changed

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✎ Storyline: Wooyoung and Yeosang go to a high school class meeting. What happens when Woo's old crush also shows up there?

✎ TW: none

✎ Words: 2781

✎ Author: Enyra

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"Wooyoung, hurry up and get here!" "'Yeah, coming!" " You already said that ten minutes ago." I skilfully ignored Yeosang and looked in the mirror again. I tugged a little at my hair, where I had tied the upper part together. I took a few strands back out so that they fell back into my face. I wore simple black trousers and a plain white button-down shirt. It was a class reunion from our old high school. I didn't really want to stand out, but of course, I still wanted to look good.

With one last look in the mirror, I opened the door and hurried to the wardrobe, where Yeosang was already waiting impatiently for me. "Finally," he muttered, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He already had his shoes on and his jacket in his hand. "What? Not everyone can just comb their hair, throw something on and look like a deity right away," I retorted. But it's really unfair how Yeo looked so perfect without much effort.

"You talk too much, you better speed up," he laughed. "I'm already done," I said, straightening up and grabbing my jacket from the coat rack. "Cell phone you got?" "Yep," I replied, pointing to my jacket pocket. "Invitation too?" I turned to a small drawer next to the shoe rack, opened it and took out a small letter. "Of course," I said, to which Yeosang just shook his head with a smile. "So let's go, come on. If we hurry up, we might even be on time."

No sooner said than done. It was about a twenty-minute drive to our old high school where the reunion was to be held.

"See? We're on time to the minute," I said with a smile, pointing proudly at the clock in the car. Yeosang just rolled his eyes and got out wordlessly. I followed him, locked the car and together we made our way to the entrance. The way to the right room was described with bright orange arrows, but they were quite unnecessary. You just had to follow the noise and there you were.

Standing outside the room was our old class teacher. "I see nothing has changed in the last few years, huh? Still the last two," he said with a laugh. "True. And as always, it's Wooyoung's fault alone," Yeosang countered, laughing. "Not true at all," I muttered, which only made them both laugh even more. "Do you have your invitations?" "Of course." Yeo and I showed our invitations and were let in. Our class teacher followed us and walked towards a makeshift podium where I guess he was about to give a speech. So we were indeed the last ones.

The speech was quite boring and I had more fun looking at the other people in the room and trying to figure out who they were. Some I could recognise straight away, but with others, I had no idea who they were.

"... So, that's it from my side. As you can see, it has a cake buffet on the left and a sandwich buffet on the right where you can just help yourselves. Dig in!" Everyone in the room started clapping and I immediately headed for the sandwiches. Yeo had warned me that there was probably going to be a lot of food, which was why I had foregone my lunch. I grabbed one of those paper plates and loaded it full of various small sandwiches. Then I walked to one of the high tables, a bit further away from the big crowd and started eating. A short time later, Yeosang also joined me at the table with his plate.

"It's pretty crowded here, huh?" I nodded in confirmation. "As far as I can tell, everyone is here," Yeosang said, biting into a sandwich.

We enjoyed our food for some time until I made an incredible discovery. "Boy, has Mingi grown even taller?!" Immediately Yeosang turned around. "That's right, he was already very tall then. I thought he wouldn't grow much more," Yeosang commented. "Wasn't he always with San? I'm sure he's here too," Yeosang said, winking at me mischievously. "Oh come on, that was years ago," I groaned.

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