Woomin - Slurred Words

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Storyline: Mingi has to take care of his crush Wooyoung after his wisdom teeth removal, while the latter is high on painkillers and not really aware of what he is saying.

TW: None

Words: 2720

Author: Enyra

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"You can see him now. He'll be woozy for a while at least," said the dentist as she stepped into the waiting room.

"Okay, thank you very much," I replied, getting up and walking towards the doctor's office where Wooyoung had disappeared about an hour ago.

"You can pick up the painkillers for Mr. Jung at the front desk," she said kindly and disappeared into another room, where the next patient was probably already waiting.

I carefully opened the door to the doctor's room, where Wooyoung and another assistant were.

"Mingiiiiii!!!" Wooyoung's shrill voice rang out.

I had to smile a little at the sight of him sitting on the chair like a small child, his cheek swollen and both hands outstretched towards me.

"So, how's it going?" I asked, running a hand through his hair, "Did everything go well?"

Wooyoung nodded vigorously. "Yep, but one of them was really mean," he said, pursing his lips sadly, which made the assistant laugh a little. I assumed that some patients were like that after a wisdom tooth operation.

"Oh yeah?" I asked Wooyoung. "What has she done?"

"She let me listen to music, but the drill was too loud and she wouldn't turn it off," he said sadly.

I stifled a hearty laugh and just nodded sympathetically. "That's really mean. Shall we go then?" I asked him, to which the younger boy nodded enthusiastically.

"Much too white here," I heard him mumble unintelligibly.

This could be fun, I thought, as Wooyoung stood up, took my hand as a matter of course and started walking towards the exit. I suppressed the blush that was threatening to rise on my face and let him pull me along.

"Wait, Woo. We still have to pick up your medication," I explained, whereupon he pursed his lips sadly again. "It'll be quick, I promise," I said, having to pull myself together so as not to completely freak out at his cute behaviour.

"Okay," he whispered and I led us to reception where we were given the medication and it was explained to us, or rather to me, how often Wooyoung was allowed to take it.

I thanked them and left the clinic with Wooyoung.

My car was parked in the visitors' parking lot right next to the practice. Wooyoung was babbling something incomprehensible when I opened the passenger door for him, helped him sit down and buckled him in.

Then I closed the door again, went to the driver's side and got in as well.

"Mingiiiiii!" Wooyoung shouted as I sat down.

I looked over at him worriedly. His eyes looked sad and his lips wobbled as if he was on the verge of tears.

"Has something happened? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked even more worriedly and checked his head for a bump. Wooyoung just stared at me with the same sad look.

"I thought you were leaving me alone," the younger man finally mumbled inarticulately, which elicited a smile from me. I sighed slightly as I ran my fingers through his hair, which seemed to calm him down a little.

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