Yunwoo - Realisation

210 5 14

Storyline: One night, Yunho realises his crush on one of his best friend, but he's too afraid to tell him.

TW: none

Words: 2348

Author: Enyra

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Exhausted, I dropped my head into the open physics book. "Come on, Yunho, it's not that complicated," Seonghwa said, shaking his head.

I was currently sitting in the library with Seonghwa and San, trying to study. We have some tests in upcoming weeks and slowly I should catch up on all the things I had missed while daydreaming in class. I mentally slapped myself for not pulling myself together and paying proper attention.

"Maybe it's better if we finish up for today. It's getting late and my concentration is starting to leave as well," San said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Seonghwa sighed, closing his book. I raised my head from mine and closed it as well before stowing it away in my backpack along with some loose notes and pens.

"Shall we continue studying tomorrow then?", I asked the others, to which they both agreed. I said goodbye to them and headed home.

I put my headphones in my ears and pressed play on a random playlist on Spotify. I looked around, enjoying the pleasant weather and the sky that was slowly turning orange.

I was crossing a street when my phone vibrated in my pocket. My heartbeat fastened as I unlocked it and smiled a little. Wooyoung sent me a TikTok link, with lots of laughing emojis behind it. I let the phone disappear back into my pocket and decided not to look at the TikTok until I got home.

A few minutes later I was already standing in front of the front door and opened it with my key.

"Hello?", I called to see if anyone was home, but there was no answer back. I took off my shoes and threw my backpack in the corner before going into the kitchen. My stomach growled with hunger. No wonder. I hadn't eaten since noon and it was already eight in the evening.

It was only when I went to open the fridge that I noticed the yellow Post-it stuck to it.


Dad and I are at the cinema and won't be home till late.

Love, Mum


I smiled a little and threw the note in the trash under the sink. In the fridge, I grabbed the sandwich my mother must have prepared for me and took a bite.

Then I got a glass and filled it with water before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV. Just as I was about to start my show, I remembered Wooyoung's message and pulled out my phone.

I opened the news app and clicked on the link, which immediately redirected me to the app and showed me a video of a guy skateboarding and falling flat on his face. Since it was so unexpected, I had to laugh, even though I of course hoped that the person from the video was okay.

I sent back a few laughing emojis before I put the phone aside and finally started my series while I devoured my sandwich with relish.

The show was very exciting and I almost watched a second episode if I hadn't had so much trouble concentrating.

I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, slipped into my pyjamas and threw myself on the bed.

*ding ding*

Wide-eyed, I stared at the black screen on my phone. My heart fluttered with anticipation before I unlocked the screen to see who had texted me.

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