Hyunlix - Felix Felicis

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Storyline: Hogwarts AU. Hyunjin wins a bottle of Felix Felicis. But he doesn't want to use it for the upcoming Quidditch match...

TW: none

Words: 3878

Author: Enyra

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"Mr Hwang, can you please pay attention? I'm sure that Mr Lee won't evapourate during my lesson, so no need to stare at him." Hyunjin was startled and looked forward to where Professor McGonagall was looking at him sternly. He just nodded and sat up straight again, his head turned towards the blackboard.

Some of his classmates giggled, which made him blush a little. He tried to concentrate on the transformation lesson again but was distracted by Felix, who sat diagonally one row ahead of Hyunjin.

What had he done to distract Hyunjin like that? Quite simple. He existed.

The Hufflepuff's presence alone was enough to make Hyunjin forget everything else around him. It was driving him insane. As soon as the smaller one was in the same room as him, he was hopelessly lost. Not only could he no longer concentrate on other things, no. He also became a lot clumsier and regularly tripped over his own feet or accidentally dropped his books.

Whether Felix knew what influence he had on the older one, Hyunjin didn't know. If he did know, at least he didn't show it. He didn't seem to notice even after comments like the one McGonagall had just made.

"You're whipped," Hyunjin's seatmate whispered to him. "Oh, shut up, Changbin." "You know, for a Slytherin, you sure are really shy, when it comes to him," the Gryffindor stated. Hyunjin just ignored him and tried to pay attention to the blackboard again, where McGonagall explained the different risks of the transformations of cats into objects.

The class ended soon, and the whole group of students went to the dungeon, to Potions class. "Are you two ready for tomorrow?", asked Minho, another Slytherin. "Of course! That's going to be the quidditch match of our lives!", Hyunjin stated. "Even if Felix isn't going to look too? I heard that he is going to study with Jisung during the match when the library is empty," Changbin added.

"What? No! He has to come! I play worlds better when he's watching!" "Jesus, Hyunjin, calm down. It's not that big of a deal." Minho rolled his eyes in annoyance.

But it's true. Hyunjin doesn't understand it either. Whenever he sees the little Sunshine, he gets clumsy and messes up everything. But when he plays Quidditch and Felix watches, he plays worlds better and sinks every ball. It's really strange.

"Good afternoon, everyone, today we are going to look at some of the most powerful potions out there", Professor Slughorn started today's lesson. He carried on, presenting the five different potions on the table.

"... And last but not least, we have Felix Felicis. Also known as liquid luck. In this little vial is one daily dose. If you drink it, you will experience a day on which everything succeeds. It is, however, strictly forbidden to take it before sports events or school exams. I will provide this little vial of Felix Felicis for those who can brew me the 'Draught of Living Death' perfectly by the end of this lesson. Good luck!"

"Boah, I need that!" whispered Hyunjin to Changbin and Minho. "And for what? You heard him. You can't take it before the quidditch match," Changbin answered. "You're no fun," Hyunjin grumbled and took out his book.

A short time later, the whole class sank into a deep silence. Only the bubbling of the cauldron and the hissing of the ingredients could be heard. Everyone was highly concentrated and desperate to win the little lucky potion.

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