Minchan - Predatory cat or rabbit?

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Storyline: A relationship between an bad wolf and an innocent rabbit is possible, isn't it? But what if the rabbit turns out to be a predatory cat?

TW: Swear words, mention of a drugs and guns

Words: 4478

Author: Rony

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Pov. Christopher Bang*

Full of confidence, I enter the corridor of the five-star restaurant and look forward to meeting my lover Lee Minho. Today he invited me to dinner by text message. Nothing new, but I love spending time with him, no matter what the activity is.

Plus, I haven't seen him in a whole week because I gave him a vacation. That made the today's meeting more exciting.

Well, how did we get to know each other? It's a funny story because I'm the head of an illegal operation. To be more precise, I'm the head of a very influential drug cartel.

Almost three months ago, we met by chance on a mission and he really wanted to become part of my structural organization.

Minho has proven himself through his combat skills and undercover investigations. But above all his loyalty, which is my top priority, so I quickly accepted him into my inner circle.

Perhaps my attraction to him played a big role at the time. His character completely turned my head the first time I saw him. In the beginning, I didn't want to admit it to myself, after all, as a drug cartel boss you shouldn't let anyone get too close to your heart. If someone got wind of it, it could quickly end fatally and a loved one could be used as a weapon against you.

So in short, there are no advantages to entering into a relationship as a drug cartel boss. But I took the risk, he loves me too, and so we started a secret relationship that was sometimes more exciting than the cartel life.

I don't have to pretend with him, in his eyes, I'm not just the ice-cold, tough, and ruthless boss, the evil selfish wolf.

He sees the burden of huge responsibility on my shoulders, which sometimes made me feel like I was losing my footing.

That's why Minho was so special and important to me. He was the only one who got to know my vulnerable side, the side that otherwise only the pillow got to know. Minho comforts me when I'm sad, cheers me up with his treats, kisses and hugs me, and listens to my problems. He simply makes me feel loved.

Not only his character, but Minho himself is simply breathtaking. With his heart-shaped face and cat-like eyes, he always captivates me, I literally drown in him.

Then there are the fantastic downturned lips that often meet my plump one, while his pointed nose grazes my pale skin and my large hands cup his beautiful, broad cheekbones. Hearing his enchanting voice in my ear is simply dreamlike.

When I finally walk into the restaurant from the corridor, I realize to my astonishment that the walls of the restaurant are made of glass. Well, I was on the top floor of a high-rise building with a beautiful view of the city of Seoul at night.

The waiter immediately comes to meet me and leads me to a table right at the edge of the glass wall, where Minho is already waiting. Before I arrive, he notices me, smiles kindly, and asks me to take a seat opposite him, which I do with a warm feeling in my stomach.

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