Sansang - Skinship

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Storyline: In an interview, Yeosang lies to a question, because he is too afraid, that the others might find out. 

TW: none

Words: 2098

Author: Enyra

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POV Yeosang:

"Yeosang, you once stated, that you're not really into skinship. However, you seem quite accepting of the Skinship that San gives to you recently. Have your thoughts on skinship changed?" Dumbfounded I stared at the interviewer. Was it that obvious? I feel myself tensing up, at the thought, that others might have noticed too. I took a few breaths to collect myself while showing a thinking face to gain some time.

"No, it didn't change at all. I still don't like it, but he doesn't stop so I kind of just accepted it. It still makes me uncomfortable sometimes", I shrugged. I was once again glad, that my hair is slightly longer and happens to cover up my ears, which are probably bright red because of that lie.

Well, it's just a semi-lie. I still don't like skinship as much as the other members but from San, I gladly take it. I don't know when it changed. It was a really slow process, starting with a small tingling feeling in my stomach, which ended in a full-on crush of San. It took some time to accept it, but I got there.

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't pay attention in the last part of the interview. Luckily, it was over soon and we were about to go back to our dorm. We bit our goodbyes to the staff and finally got into our car. I sat on my designated seat and fastened my seatbelt. A moment later, San sat down beside me in his seat.

I was kind of confused because he didn't even make an attempt to hug me or just lay his head on my shoulder, which he normally does. He just looked out of the window, observing his surroundings. I shrugged it off and put on my headphones. After such a long day, I closed my eyes and let myself finally rest.

POV San:

"No, it didn't change at all. I still don't like it, but he doesn't stop so I kind of just accepted it. It still makes me uncomfortable sometimes."

I felt like my whole world just collapsed. I knew that he didn't quite like it in the beginning, but I got the feeling, that he grew fond of it. Have I read the signs wrong, was he really that uncomfortable the whole time?

I even started to give him more skinship, after I saw, that he started to like it. Well, I thought he liked it, I guess I was wrong this whole time. But why didn't he tell me? He could have just said something, then he wouldn't have had to feel uncomfortable like that. I felt bad. Like really bad. I tried to make a neutral face so that no one can see my feelings.

After the interview, we all got in the car. I sat beside Yeosang because our seats are designated like that, but I made sure to keep my distance and give him some personal space. I was really tired and wanted to sleep. Normally, I would just lay my head on Yeosangs shoulder and hug him while sleeping, but I can't do that now. I turned my whole body away from Yeosang and tried to sleep like that.

"We're here", stated Yunho from the driving seat. I groaned while getting out of the car. It was impossible to sleep, and I had to resist the urge to hug my seatmate. I was more exhausted than before the drive home.

"Anyone hungry?", asked Seonghwa, while we all walked into our dorm. "No, thanks. I'm heading to bed", I answered tiredly. "All right, good night, San. I'll put something for you in the fridge, so you can eat it when you wake up hungry in the middle of the night." "Thanks, Seonghwa." He really is an angel, I thought. He always makes sure, that every one of us is okay.

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