Christmas Special

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Storyline: Ateez and Stray Kids are celebrating Christmas together. We all can imagine how chaotic this would be...

TW: none

Words: 2666

Author: Rony and Enyra

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"Mingi-hyung? Can you please come here?" Wooyoung shouted across the apartment in his shrill dolphin voice so that the man could really hear him.

Meanwhile, Changbin was quietly humming along to the Christmas songs on the radio next to him and hanging the last ornaments on the Christmas tree.

They were both wearing festive red knitted sweaters with a reindeer on them.

"Hyung?" Wooyoug called out again. At the same moment, Mingi finally entered the living room. He took the smell of freshly baked cookies and pot roast from the kitchen with him.

"What's up?" he inquired. Mingi was also wearing a knitted sweater. However, the pattern was not visible as he was wearing a cooking apron.

"You have the honor of putting the star on the Christmas tree," Wooyoung grinned and held out the golden glass star to the older man.

Nevertheless, he pursed his lips skeptically. "You never ask me for anything. In truth, you two are just too small," Mingi teased the both of them and took the star in his hand.

"YA! Not everyone is a double meter like Yunho and you," Changbin complained loudly and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Either he was offended or he wanted to flex his biceps was unknown to anyone. Maybe it was both.

But Mingi's reaction suddenly seemed rather lost. He placed a hand on his forehead and looked around frantically. "Was that a ghost or who just spoke? I can't see anyone."

The irony was obvious and provoked Changbin, so he promptly punched Mingi in the arm.

"Ouch, what was that all about?" cried Mingi playfully, rubbing the sore spot on his arm.

"I guess you brought that on yourself," a voice that turned out to be Yunho's chuckled. He was standing leaning against the doorframe and had probably been watching what was happening for a while.

In contrast to them, he was wearing a white shirt with a formal blue tuck. Not the partner look sweater that had actually been agreed with Mingi, since he wasn't a fan of that.

"Shouldn't you be on my side? You're even taller than me," Mingi said, giving his boyfriend a salty look. Partly because he wasn't keen on the partner look outfits like Jisung and Minho, and partly because he was obviously on the side of the little dwarves.

"I'm not on anyone's side," he said, taking the star from Mingi's hand and placing it on the Christmas tree.

"Hyung, don't get the idea later that you helped decorate it! It was just Binnie and me, of course," Wooyoung joked, distracting from the topic of Yunho and Mingi's relationship.

"Yes, Alkong and Dalkong. Don't worry," giggled Yunho, whereupon Mingi raised a corner of his mouth skeptically.

"You even have nicknames, huh? So patriotic, you're on their side," Mingi pouted and lowered his eyes sadly.

"Oh come on. You know you're my number one," Yunho replied and approached Mingi. He carefully put his hands around his waist, but in offense, Mingi leaned back as the older man held him tightly.

This caused the two of them to sway slightly as they rocked back and forth like penguins.

Somewhat disgusted, the youngest men turned away from them and packed up the unused Christmas tree ornaments.

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