Hyunin - Real snow

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Storyline: Hyunjin and Jeongin belong to the Southern Water Tribe and are attacked by the Fire Nation, who are searching for the long-awaited Avatar. Tragically, the two lose themselves. Will they find each other again?

OS inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender

TW: Attack of the Fire Nation with comet-like fireballs, mention of blood (nosebleed not detailed!)

Words: 4690

Author: Rony

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Pov. Hwang Hyunjin*

"Still no fish?" asked Jeongin, who was sitting next to me in the wooden boat and leaning his head in his hand, bored. "That's the fifth time you've asked me that in a minute." I turned slightly towards him. His nose was red with cold, his gaze fixed on the still water. He looked like a warmly wrapped penguin, wearing a blue hood and white fur framing his face.

"Yes, I know. I'm fed up and want to go home. We've been sitting here for what feels like an hour and haven't caught a single fish yet," the younger man grumbled, leaning forward slightly out of the boat to get a better view of the deep blue sea. I looked at him thoughtfully as I silently held the fishing rod in my hand. I admired his handsome side profile with the high cheekbones. His black hair hung over his fox-shaped eyes. Jeongin's thin, puffy lips almost invited me to kiss him. But I didn't know if he felt as much for me as I did for him. However, today I wanted to finally leave the level of friendship, gather my courage and tell him my true feelings.

His eyes suddenly lit up and his head jerked over to me. "Catching fish can be much more fun and easier," Jeongin said with a dimple in his cheek. Then he looked back into the water, and when he had apparently found a fish, he carefully stood up.

The boat swayed briefly, so I gave him a concerned look. "Watch out!" I laughed. I received a mischievous grin in response. He then quickly took off his light blue gloves and put them in a side pocket of his blue and white coat. After that, Jeongin began to move his arms gently and formed an invisible ball with his hands. He focused his gaze on the sea and bit his lower lip a little. Suddenly, I saw a fish emerge from the depths in a ball of water, which made me roll my eyes in amusement. "Innie, you know we can't do this. We should do it the classic way or it'll be bad luck," I told him, but I just couldn't help grinning. He just looked too cute.

"I don't care!" Jeongin's arms moved from waist height to chest height, by now the ball with the still-living fish was in the air. The black-haired man laughed triumphantly at me and dropped the fish into the kettle.

"See? Much easier!" he boasted, proudly putting his hands on his hips. But his self-confidence evaporated in an instant when the fish suddenly started to jump wildly out of the kettle and onto the boat. It jiggled up and down violently, causing Jeongin to lift his legs up. This caused the boat to sway again, but this time it was much more extreme.

"YA, Jeongin!" I shouted and felt the boat slowly start to tip over. Before that could happen, I put my arms down on either side and quickly froze the surface of the water. Jeongin lost his balance due to the sudden stop of the boat and fell on top of me between my legs, so that he was now lying on top of me.

He quickly raised his upper body with his arms next to my head and looked down at me with wide eyes. In the meantime, the fish had jumped out of the ice and straight into the water, and now there were just the two of us again.

"You said Jeongin to me. You're angry, aren't you? You never usually call me that," he said a little anxiously. "Sorry, Innie, I just didn't want to fall into the freezing water," I mumbled, studying his features. Although everyone wanted to get out of this embarrassing situation as quickly as possible, we were still lying so close together and staring at each other questioningly. It seemed as if time had stood still for a moment.

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