Yunjong - Social distancing?

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Storyline: Jongho and Yunho are cops on a external mission, but nothing goes as planned. Everything ends rather awkwardly, way too close and is kept rather funny.

The os is inspired by the trailer "OPERATION : '최면 (Wake Up)", cuz there's nothing better than 2HO as undercover cops or whatever Ateez lore has planned for them.

TW: Strong language (just a bit), tight spaces, gun

Words: 2484

Author: Rony

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Pov. Choi Jongho*

The air was stuffy, the light dim, and my nerves were on edge.

If I had known that I would be crammed tightly into a small box with my Sunbae Jeong Yunho on my external mission today, I would certainly have called in sick.

Currently, we were in the secret hideout of the Halateez drug gang. Earlier, at the Seoul police station, we evaluated the latest clues from the previous months and compared them with the new ones.

This led us to the conclusion that their secret hideout was not somewhere in the middle of nowhere. But in the middle of the bustling capital of South Korea in a fashion boutique.

So, we drove there late at night, even though we had already completed our daily eight-hour shift.

Well, who doesn't do everything for their job?

Surely my naivety was due to the fatigue caused by the overtime because I had not doubted for a second that the door of the fashion boutique was still open after closing time.

Nevertheless, I entered the store and my Sunbae didn't hesitate either.

Carefully we searched the basement for evidence to have a reason to catch the crooks. However, we were both aware that without a search warrant we weren't allowed to engage in this activity we were now doing.

But the temptation to finally find evidence to eventually put this gang behind bars was immense, even if we were now committing a crime ourselves.

The basement was full of shelves filled with large boxes and I was confident that we would find plenty of proofs!

Unfortunately, we quickly discovered that maybe we weren't so lonely after all. We heard footsteps coming closer and closer, and I didn't know where to hide.

Therefore, I recklessly threw myself into the nearest crate, dragging my Sunbae behind me.

I hissed painfully as Yunho fell directly onto my pelvis, bracing both his arms next to my head. I felt like I was being crushed by him. But I tried to ignore the strange position, acted quickly, and pushed the lid closed.

In the process, my whole body was totally tense, and I was already afraid that the owner of the store had noticed us.

The light turned on, the person seemed to be looking for something and didn't speak a single word.

After a few minutes, the light was switched off again and the footsteps moved away.

Yunho and I decided to stay in the crate for a while longer since there was a chance that the person would come back.

"Dude, I can't breathe. Give me some room," I hissed a couple of moments later while trying to fish for my cell phone from the ground since the flashlight was still on.

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