Minsang - Day sleeper, night kisser

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Storyline: Yeosang is at a club with his friends, where he notices a handsome young man who looks very familiar. After careful consideration, he decides to approach the pink-haired man. How will the rest of the night will go on?

TW: Spicy, mention of alcohol

Words: 5188

Author: Rony

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Pov. Kang Yeosang*

The music boomed in my ears as I moved in rhythm, completely sweaty. My body was totally flooded with the stimuli of the loudly singing young adults with whom I occasionally made physical contact.

Various neon lights flickered, illuminating the club as the only source of light. The rays bounced off the wall, jumped wildly around the room, and flitted across the faces of the celebrants.

The club where Seonghwa, San, and I were currently was the widely known KQ 1117. To get in, you had to stand in line for what felt like hours before the doors opened. But we were already regulars at this nightclub and used to the long wait. After all, it's all worth it!

Good music with a sound system, enough counter staff with a wide selection of drinks, small snacks, an outdoor area, and even enough toilets! That's why KQ 1117 was one of the best nightclubs in Seoul!

In my chest, I felt the bass from the sound system and the alcohol in my blood clouded my head. But I could still think clearly. Or maybe I wasn't? I didn't know...

Seonghwa and San kept buying me some dubious drinks because they thought I should go out more and experience something.

By now it was already after 03:00 a.m. The young adults were partying heartily, and the end was far from in sight.

Not ten minutes ago, Seonghwa, San, and I cooled off with an ice-cold Vodka Red Bull. Unfortunately, the cool-down didn't last long, and I toyed with the idea of buying another drink again.

The black skinny jeans were already sticking to my legs, and the blue sleeveless skin-tight motocross shirt didn't help me cool down in any way.

Or should I rather save the 250'00.00 KRW and go out into the fresh air instead? After all, that would be free and the danger of leaving the club completely wasted would be minimized.

My gaze fell on the club guests, whose bodies moved extremely close together to the music. If I wanted to go out now or to the bar, I would need an eternity. At the bar itself, I certainly have to wait another ten minutes for my turn to buy something. So would I rather go out into the fresh air?

But before I could decide on one of these options, San put an arm around me and shouted loudly, "Is that true? YES! Okey dokey yo!"

Seonghwa also joined in the dance and sang along as if his life depended on it. After that, we were hopping around, but my eyes were still switching back and forth between the bar and the outside area.

Suddenly, among all the people, one stood out. It wasn't because the man was tall compared to the others and had slightly washed-out pink hair. I didn't know why exactly he caught my eye in this actually a barely manageable club, but somehow he looked familiar. Where, however, I didn't know...

When Seonghwa and San let go of me and the next song played, I continued to dance, more or less consciously looking over at the pink-haired man from time to time.

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