Minsung - Zombie

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Storyline: Minsung in a zombie apocalypse

TW: Mention of death, attempted murder with a gun, slightly brutal fight scenes with a baseball bat, swear words

Words: 4640

Author: Rony

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Pov. Han Jisung*

The world we once knew no longer existed. A few months ago, an unknown virus broke out and spread rapidly, turning people into zombies.

But not those dead boring zombies that limped and moaned like lame-ass slugs, no. More like "Train to Busan" or "All of us are dead" zombies that can run fast and bite really well.

After a person is bitten, the transformation time varies greatly, some become zombies after seconds or a few minutes and there were even some that only transformed after hours or even weeks.

So it depends on the type of person and their immune system when someone turns. How did we find out?

Our group, we called ourselves Stray Kids, once found shelter in another community. They promised safety and told us about a military security camp in Incheon where they wanted to go.

Unfortunately, no one knew that the leader of their group had been bitten a week ago and before we could react, he surprised us all in the middle of the night with his transformation.

As a result, we separated from the other group, or rather, fled and made our own way to the military base.

However, as some of us had caught a cold and were completely exhausted from the journey, we had to make a stopover. We holed up in a secure administration building to recharge our batteries for the trip.

Minho and I volunteered to look for medicine. Actually, he seemed to me to be just as sick as the others, if not worse. Minho looked totally pale, had big circles under his eyes, and was constantly coughing.

This fool wanted us to believe that he was fine and would even be able to get the medication on his own. But I insisted on coming with him because it was just too dangerous to go alone.

And so Minho and I set off in search of a pharmacy.

I looked back briefly and adjusted my backpack a little. Minho wasn't particularly fast due to his illness and it took him a lot of strength to keep up with me. But as we were walking in the dark, we had to stay as close together as possible, so I stopped and waited for him.

Flashlights were a no-go, you would only attract the zombies' attention unnecessaril. I mean, they were blind at night. The light would only help them to find us.

Luckily, the stars and the moon were bright enough for us to see at least a little. And now that we had gotten a little used to the apocalypse, we could even see a little better in the dark.

Just like cats, lol.

My eyes mustered Minho. He was wearing his typical black pants, a white t-shirt, and a big blue denim jacket with cat pins on it. His headband matched the color of his pants, and his dark brown, wavy hair hung over it.

He looked really cute with the pins, and yet everyone thinks he has a gruff personality. Minho came across as cold as ice as if he didn't care about anyone but himself. But if you were around Minho long enough, you realized what a loving person he actually was.

We often flirted very obviously, the others sometimes had the feeling that Minho and I were already a couple. But unfortunately, we weren't...

Two weeks ago, when we were in a second-hand store, Minho found partner bracelets and even gave me one as a present. We've been wearing them ever since.

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